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Home Made Vrs N750 Vrs Starlight Archer. My List Of Nv

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well iv been a member on here for a few months now but aint posted to much. So i thought id go through my nv setups iv run and what i thought of them. All nv was fitted to my remmy 700 22-250 and appart from the n750 all add-ons were used with my ziess conquest 6x20x50 scope.


1. My first try was a home mode setup watec 902h camera with 16mm lens and 66mm ir torch. I had over 20+ foxes with this setup. It was very easy to make and cost me around £300 all in. 200 yrds no problem. The wires could be a bit of a pain and shooting of a screen was a bit wierd at first but in the end i think it acually made shooting easier.


2. N750 with dpinto doubler adapter (from portugal and out of all the adapters the best there is) and t20 ir torch and yukon lens. This was a very good set up. Only one problem it would loose zero for no reason at all. It started to drive me around the bend. I had to shim it up to zero on the rifle and in the end i lost confidence in it so it had to go. I also hated not having a proper scope on my rifle for day time use.


3.Starlight archer d grade tube. I dont live that far from starlight so i asked julian if i could pop over and demo some of his kit. I came away with an ex demo archer. I use a t20 ir fitted to the archer for spotting and a nm800ir turbo fitted to the rifle for shooting. Now i have used a pvs 14 and im not going to lie it is a better unit but i wanted something 100% legal and should something go wrong i can send it back to starlight for repair. The archer is the best unit for me. I can spot and simply push and twist its fiited to your rifle ready to shoot in few seconds. I also use it on my hmr with great affect.


if your going to spend ££££'s on nv speak to the people that make them and ask for some discount, The n750 c/w mods for c/f distances worked out more expensive than the archer, and in my opion the archer is 10x better than the n750. If i had a choice between a home made watec system and n750 id take the home made. Nothing is as acurate as a proper rifle scope.


If you read this post and dont agree with what i say thats fine. Im only using my own personal experiences. If anyone wants any more info pls dont hesitate to pm me.


atb Peter

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It is always good to hear what others use. And people always argue over archer and envis, but as far as I am concerned they are not like for like.

I have the archer and like it, mainly because if I make it go bang I can get it fixed. So far I haven't made it go bang which I an really happy with and it has accounted for a lot of bunnies and a few foxes to boot.


But as long as what ever people use works then that is the main thing.

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If we all liked the same it would be a boring word, I like my PVS-14 and when it goes bang I will fixe it but it hasn't gone bang in over 4 years :victory: you can get anything fixed at a price. As far as I'm aware if your tube in your Archer goes bang it will still cost you to get it repaired as its not got a life time warranty no image intensifier tube has :bye:

Edited by pestcontrol121
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