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Land Rover Disco ?

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So my Citroen saxo is struggling off road with all this rain ? I'm looking at buying a second hand land rover disco td5 but I dont no much about them I don't want to google it because the internet is all doom and gloom about everything I'm going to spend around 5-6 grand on a 2004 model any advice would be welcome cheers add.

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Honestly mate, I had a 200tdi on a k plate. I loved it would go anywhere good on juice, shit loads of room. Just 1 slight problem with it. It was on bloody ramps more times than it was on tarmac, I could of bought a new version how much money id spent on new parts, it was nearly a new jeep by the time id finished with it. But as most things enough was enough and I sold it on. Would I buy another 1 tho ? In a heart beat lol but the mrs would kill me cheers hh

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  On 15/02/2014 at 12:29, forest of dean redneck said:

You would be better of buying a well looked after 300 tdi than a td 5 ,too many electronics to go wrong.


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Hahaha yea my missis it's to keen on a land rover either but she's even less impressed each time I take her car up the farm I'm just stuck for a good 4x4 I will also be using to drive to work once a week down the motor way so it has to be comfy to

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It's a bit of a minefield.


I ended up buying a Range Rover P38 2001 and like you said there was loads of doom and gloom about them on the internet but it's been the best car I've ever owned.


Only problem is feeding the 4.6l V8 engine :laugh:

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owned an o2 td5 and the engine block cracked it wis a high maintenance beastie since then had mitsi l200 not bad shit steering lock and liked a drink now ive got Isuzu rodeo 56 reg canny fault it done over a hundred thou with this off and on road and a shit load of towing plant around and she still goes braw.

am thinking aboote trying the Toyota heard good things aboote it, if I was spending 3 to 4 grand I would have captains cook at the jap motors mate comfort and reliability

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If your going to spend 5 or 6 grand with that budget I'd look for a land rover 90 on a galv chassis with a 200 TDI engine. No chassis repairs to worry about and a very reliable engine too, simple to fix and parts are peanuts. It will a lot more fun and hold its value too!

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  On 15/02/2014 at 22:31, irishnut said:

Landrover=utter shit, unreliable, expensive and need more than just "a good pair of boots" to go anywhere.

if you can drive a landrover proper , a good set of tyres on one will get you any where :yes:

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I had a 2002 Td5 which to be honest I did like, but wouldn't have another, constantly needing new parts. It had over £7k's worth of receipts!


I now drive a 80 series landcruiser diesel.....And 5 grand would get you a nice one... :thumbs:


Failing that I would go for a hilux or landcruiser Colorado, but neither comes close to the 80!

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