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Why the f**k did you start about the price of rabbits then if you were that bothered about what guests will be thinking. the 2posts that you have quoted were only a bit of banter and i don't think the price of rabbits will be bothering the said guests.

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Right....... So we are led to believe the previous owner was a good enough trainer to teach a dog to hold a rabbit alive but couldn't teach the dog it's name or recall? Or is it just you that the dog

This seems to be one of the most common problems encountered with lads and their running dogs and one easily avoided Recall trained through treats and praise is limited, in as far as when most treats

I was going to ask him the same. I am only guessing here, you have only had him a week? Edited to add, let me know who you are selling the rabbits to, a tenner per rabbit is not to be sniffed at lol.

if you read the tread properly you will realise i didnt start anything about the price of anything. :huh: i backed up the chap that said he was gettin 10 quid a rabbit when he was being questioned on it, think about how this thread may not go down so well einstein, :whistling:

OK it wasn't you who started about the price, but have a wee look at your posts on this topic before you start asking the mods to delete mine. I never questioned the lad at all, i know enough of greyhound lads round here to know what the score is. I'm not going to say anymore on the matter as it seems that a few light hearted comments seem to have upset you.

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if you read the tread properly you will realise i didnt start anything about the price of anything. :huh: i backed up the chap that said he was gettin 10 quid a rabbit when he was being questioned on it, think about how this thread may not go down so well einstein, :whistling:

OK it wasn't you who started about the price, but have a wee look at your posts on this topic before you start asking the mods to delete mine. I never questioned the lad at all, i know enough of greyhound lads round here to know what the score is. I'm not going to say anymore on the matter as it seems that a few light hearted comments seem to have upset you.



fella it wasnt your comments i was referring to when i said they should be removed, :laugh: most of the ones i was talkin about are mine actually but ye quoted them so i cant delete my own. the way the thread went with the price of them and what they were for is what i was talking about not sounding so good..... i only quoted your comment as it sounded like you were saying what we put up wasnt true. now is it making sence? im not that easily upset fella but you picked up what i was saying wrong and presumed it was personal..... confusion over, :thumbs:

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