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Froch V Groves Ii

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This is gonna be a good one I hope, very very hard to call, if I make it in to put my money down, I reckon it will be going down on groves, my heart, well that wants froch to take it, both are capable, groves has come on leaps and bounds, I ain't sure froch has or is able to do enough, I also think it depends who takes what role on, if groves looses the plot and tries to play frock at fighting, he will get beat, if froch thinks he can box for 12 rounds with groves, he will get beat, I think groves is very very slightly tipping the scales at the mo, but in my heart I hope it is a fight and froch takes it, then draws the curtains on a excellent career.

Either way, I hope it's a good clean memorable fight and may the best man win, good luck to the pair of them.

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Just flicked through some of the posts so sorry if im repeating anything thats already been said.....it strikes me how differently big fights are promoted these days compared to years ago it seems we,

As Satan said if Groves is disciplined it could be an easy nights work..........if like last time he gets over confident and decides to macho it out......it will be the same outcome.   You can bet y

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the froch groves one gnash ---can I fook get one up here there gone within minutes of getting put up carls brothers got me some tee shirts but he just laughed when I asked about a poster ... there even nicking the ones from outside pubs that sky put out froch v groves on here :blink: ....




Oh right ok im not sure then.....i thought you meant of a show thats already taken place i was going to say im in gyms every other day i could of just swiped one off the wall when nobodies looking :D ...........well i,ll keep my peepers open for you anyway mate.

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there was a good boxing prog on radio 5 last night explaining all the training and preparation these guys go through. Obviously knowledgable fans will know already but it was interesting for someone like me who likes boxing but doesn't know much about it :thumbs:

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the froch groves one gnash ---can I fook get one up here there gone within minutes of getting put up carls brothers got me some tee shirts but he just laughed when I asked about a poster ... there even nicking the ones from outside pubs that sky put out froch v groves on here :blink: ....




Oh right ok im not sure then.....i thought you meant of a show thats already taken place i was going to say im in gyms every other day i could of just swiped one off the wall when nobodies looking :D ...........well i,ll keep my peepers open for you anyway mate.


:thumbs: cheers no worries if you cant but if you come across one bear me in mind,,

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i seen it after i posted it :icon_redface: but getting his brother involved shows to me hes bottling it a tad :yes:


I know lee---- groves has been giving him shit on twitter since the last fight whenever they bump into each other they share a few words ...bottling it :laugh:

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