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This Is So Depressing ....!

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:( On the Native Birds forum; Just seen it being said that there's a report, on fb, of someone's bird room being emptied. Sheerness. And they even beat the guys Dog to get in there. FFFS! :cray:


Now, with that, I stepped away to process a bird. Distancing yourself from the question and the glare of the screen can help free the mind.


Everybody knows that Kent is the epicentre of all this. And these guys are targeting the Sibes and Mutations.


They're also, obviously, very accomplished criminals and totally callous. Of course, everyone and his Dog, out there, would foam at the mouth and scream, " Gypsys!!!!! "


Okay. So, riddle me this; There is and always has been a good lot of Gypsy blood in Kent. So; Why have they only just started this caper???


See? Theory shot to shit in a heart beat of logical deduction.


Think again though; Who is new to Kent, and notorious for harbouring a high proportion of particularly nasty, lifestyle criminals ....?


See any high end birds, or lorry loads of canaries being offered by someone like Marco Salozovik and I think we'll be looking at our boy <_<


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Utter devastation. Sickening.


Im in no good position to speculate/comment on thieves etc but gypsies, travellers etc are always blamed for certain thefts be it birds, dogs and so on. Personally i wouldnt jump the gun (in any case) to say the gypsies done it unless i had some sort of evidence/facts.


As you say why now.? Why not before.


This is just my opinion, i wish the man in question m sympathy all the best in the future.

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Indeed. And, if it can be any worse, Gem? When ye see they've targeted some poor soul in his f**king eighties?! :censored: Imagine that? A man who's probably spent forty odd years, going down to his bird room .....

scum :censored: lets hope karma will do them right. I do not understand how low people can get to destroy a persons life.

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Like I say, love; It all has the heavy hall marks of our newly disembarking, Eastern friends. Location. Timing. Modus operandi.


Just look at it with an open mind and it hardly needs ye to be Sherlock f**king Holmes, does it?


But, of course, as long as everyone's busy baying at their usual, favoured, scape goat ....?


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Go to any big bird sale and your'll see plenty of northern african arab types as well Pete and the arabs will and do pay silly money for mutation goldies.

Shame to say it'll be the end of aviaries in the end all this thieving of birds and all so some scroat can earn a few quid ffs :bad: .

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People spend years gaining the best stock they can for some low life to come along and take it away for what a few quid,they don't realise the devastation they leave behind, seen this happen in my old village man was in his 80 s every good bird stolen ,hulls left open birds all over village I ended up catching 2 for him took them to him he said, keep them he was never breeding a bird again, but do they care do they f**k, love to catch the scum at mine would soon stop them thieving again.

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Shame to say it'll be the end of aviaries in the end all this thieving of birds .....



Amen, Brother! And That's what makes it even More f**king depressing :(


As for these Arab types? There's ye simple highway of supply and demand then. They want it. They have the cash to pay for it. All it needs is someone with the experience and total lack of ethics to offer to do the job.


Boosh! Another life completely and utterly destroyed.


By the way; I Know I'm laying myself wide open to a torrent of abuse here. But, consider this:


They Beat The Mans Dog.


I'll bet Anyone a pound to a pinch if shit that you Will Not find a thread on here where someone's saying " F**king Gypo's got into my kennel last night and stole my Dogs! They hit the Rottweiler over the head! "


No. It's Always been; " The f**king Gypo's took all my Dogs! Even my two bulldogs that were in the outer run to guard the place! "


See? These phantom 'Gypsys', always take every f**king Dog they can lay their hands on. Who ever they are, the Classic f**kers Like Dogs!


This lot beat the Dog. That's a whole new twist. Thieving entire kennels of Dogs. Guards and all? That's yesterday. Stealing Birds, and whacking any Dog that gets in their way? That's new. And very, very scary.

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Tell you the truth Gem they probebly wouldn't get gifted a bird as these kind of folk can't be taught how to apriciate class and there all to thick to understand the rules of what makes a good animal person.They could be handed the best of the best and they'd still feck it up and there is plenty of truth in the old saying "you can't polish a turd" ,f*cking scum the lot of them and i wish the worse illness on them all :yes: .

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