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Which Section Of The Hunting Life..

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Past few months been going in fowl and feather which is just as bitchy as lurcher section.. Was surprised :laugh:


General talk has more heated debates than bitching i think.


So what section on the whole of THL do you reckon has most bitching going on..??



this is not a pointless thread, i really want to know :laugh:

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I'm Not really qualified to comment on the whole site but from the section I drop in on the lurcher section wins hands down..................sometimes you just have to laugh at it .


That said there are some good threads in there

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The knowledgable lads , the ones worth listening to ,the ones I learn things off , are never bitchy ,they always seem to express themselves clearly and never seem judgemental about less well clued up people , the bitches usually don't know what they are talking about , lose their way in any discussion and resort to attacking other peoples stock and methods and they are found in every section of the forum except airgunners , who are all special needs .

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Well that's a first bitching about another section that's got a lot of bitching on it lol ? only joking ! Every section has got it crabbers some more than others . Recently I ventured into the catapult section and found the it very helpful with hardly any egos on there.

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Well that's a first bitching about another section that's got a lot of bitching on it lol only joking ! Every section has got it crabbers some more than others . Recently I ventured into the catapult section and found the it very helpful with hardly any egos on there.

:laugh::laugh: you know what im on about, fowl and feather was going abit into a full on bitching session for a while, thank god for uk's topics :laugh:


Twas that section that spurred me on to a thread :D

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I still stand by - that bitching is another form of jealousy :thumbs: and usually a defense mode when someone questions your actions, especially if you back track or are completely off the mark.

its just this site really, i go on few other sites and the people seem to get on better, ok there more people on here so you going to get alot different opinions and attitudes . But take it as it is on here, its only the net , it not real . if you think your right on any subject stick to it, unless (proven wrong) :yes:

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Rather have a bit banter and a piss take than sook up each other's arses. Imagine coming on a saying "well done your amazing and correct" all the time. Sometimes the air gun section is so cheesy it's laughable....doesn't make them wrong or silly though that's just how they weirdos communicate.......(joke) lol

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Banter/debate and strong opinions is one thing.. The thing that gets me is the ones that never have anything good to say like ever.


Theres more good than bad on THL but you do get the ones that will run everything and anything into the ground.

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:laugh: Thank f**k I don't have an air gun! :laugh:


MC; I'm not really qualified to have an opinion as, quite honestly, I actually read few enough threads, let alone boards here. And I very quickly become bored with threads and stop even returning to them.


I was about to say how I'm so often distracted ~ as right now ~ by the wish / need to go and check my traps. Birds are about all I think about, these days. And, to turn your question on its head;


That's where I'm happiest and find the least bitching of all. On the Cage and Aviary Birds board. We've really got nothing to bitch about, I s'pose? No competition. Just like minded companionship and sharing. It's good :)


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