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Do Fat People Put You Off Your Food ???

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I have to agree with some stuff on here but a lot of fatties use the excuse oh I have a gland problem.... negative the only problem is being a lazy b*****d who finds it easier to shovel another twix down then to go for a run around block. But I have to say fat people really grip my shit and I don't mean the portly gentlemen who enjoy a pint or twenty on a weekend but the twenty stone monsters who sit in the same chair all week in the Same clothes watching Jeremy b*****d Kyle (dont get me started on that helmet) eating kebab after kebeb claiming incapacity benefit because there to fat too work. Jusy goes to show the shocking state of the welfare system where we can sit back and watch people abuse there own bodies and then say yeah you're a fat f**k here's some money for sitting at home all day getting fatter and then when there body finally gives out it costs the council thousands to cut them out of their front room! Now I'm fortunate I'm 6'4" and just shy of 12 stone and I could and have eaten cake for breakfast pizza for lunch and dinner then followed by ten pints for a week and not put on a gram but I work hard and excessive. I genuinely believe we are going to have a generation of lazy fat good for nothing slobs who are going to ruin this country purely because they think they're to good for a hard days graft and because it's much easier to sit on the computer all day and move your ten fingers for 8 hour's than to shovel a couple tons of gravel for example. Well personally I would rather sh*t in my hands and clap along to if your happy and you know it!!!! And to finish my rant if I ever become a fat slob I give you all permission to come round and put me out of my misery!

Atb Ben.



well ben I would say your under weight at that height mate, your 4 in taller than me , and I am 1/2 st heavier than you, and iam only norm weight for my height .But people like us are naturally slim , like I said on my thread, and even if sat down every day and scoffed 8 mcd's , I would still struggle to put a 1st on. When iworked out with weights +karate for 3 years, I got very strong benching 250lb ,curling 80lb, d/b all at 13st 3lb.It didn't matter what I food went in me, loads of chickens,milk,pasta, veg, I never went any more heavy, but got very strong for my weight. But my natural weight is about 12st 7in I think ,As said my wife very fat does feck all exercise, but a lot of it down to her genes, because her parents are fat, where as mine were slim people, and it does make it eaiser to gain weight if the genes are like that, and that's a fact because the coach down the gym , told be certain body groups will put on weight far easier than others, and mine don't put weight on ever, he run gym for 40 odd years he must have known a bit :yes:

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right who thinks the fat bird gave socks the knock back..................

Why don't you fukc off ..........

Does that make you a part of the problem ruby, now you work for the big M? lol

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I'd agree with that Bird, 12st at 6ft something is on the light side but that's genetics for ya. They play a pretty big part of physical performance/ability and shape. I'm 5'8" and a few pounds over 11st, reasonably lean... I'd expect someone that's 6ft+ to be 13st+......


But also eating habbits differ so much. I know racing whippets that claim to eat shit loads but in reality they will go literally sunrise to sunset without touching so much as a round of toast, pretty much feasting in one or two sittings in the evening. That's not a high calorie diet at all, it's got more in kin with a fasting diet where you fast and binge as a form of calorie control.


Apparently there was an interesting panorama on recently regarding low sugar and low fat diets and how it affects weight loss.....

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I'd agree with that Bird, 12st at 6ft something is on the light side but that's genetics for ya. They play a pretty big part of physical performance/ability and shape. I'm 5'8" and a few pounds over 11st, reasonably lean... I'd expect someone that's 6ft+ to be 13st+......


But also eating habbits differ so much. I know racing whippets that claim to eat shit loads but in reality they will go literally sunrise to sunset without touching so much as a round of toast, pretty much feasting in one or two sittings in the evening. That's not a high calorie diet at all, it's got more in kin with a fasting diet where you fast and binge as a form of calorie control.


Apparently there was an interesting panorama on recently regarding low sugar and low fat diets and how it affects weight loss.....

spot on, that's what I am getting at your body mass is to some point governed by your genes, ok some people who don't exercise and eat to much will get fat more so with certain genes . But as said iam 6ft natural weight about 12st -7lb more or less, and even if go on holiday for 2 weeks and pig out lol might put 1/2 st but that's about it.? being fat 50% genes 50% over eating and no exercise :yes:

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Does that make you a part of the problem ruby, now you work for the big M? lol

:laugh: I eat a mcd's meal every day! But then i'm always out walking or on the bike. It's about 5 miles cycling from here to work and back, and i do about 4 miles walking with the dogs a day as well. Keeps it right ;) When you sit in front of Jeremy Kyle all day and only pop out for 10 cheeseburgers, then you've got an issue :laugh:
have you got any star badges yet mate??
Doubt it......wish I had the time to drive down just to see his wee puss with his wee hat on. Pmsl

:laugh: I wouldn't be laughing when I have the power over your Big Mac and what goes into it :whistling:
dont do it to scots tho or there will be trouble lol :D
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aye stay clear of tarquins place, wee perv will be wanking in your food


:laugh: from the kitchen in full view of all customers...it's not your local you know! Bet there's been all sorts in your Big Mac :whistling:

Edited by RubyTex
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it takes a f**k lot to put me of me fodder..but a massive wobbler with more chins than the Chinese phone book will make me think weather i realy want my next bite!


but ime no slim jim ime over weight for my height...but ime fit with it! i can gather sheep and keep up with hounds as good as any on the fells..

i went thru a stage of being healthy and running every night...dieting..and some personal training with a trainer (and Scottish champion cage fighter :thumbs: ) and droped a LOT of weight i was about 12-13 stone and built like a tank..i looked a f***ing machine :blink: but my god it was miserable so i thought f**k it ive deen their done that..and gave up i eat what i like do what i like..and ime almost as fit as i was their just much happier than i was then,the only down side is..........i dont get as much fanny :laugh:

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spot on, that's what I am getting at your body mass is to some point governed by your genes, ok some people who don't exercise and eat to much will get fat more so with certain genes . But as said iam 6ft natural weight about 12st -7lb more or less, and even if go on holiday for 2 weeks and pig out lol might put 1/2 st but that's about it.? being fat 50% genes 50% over eating and no exercise :yes:



As regards genes its more about frame size than metabolism.......12 stone at 6ft 4" can be a perfectly healthy weight for somebody of light frame whereas the same weight/height can be bordering on anorexic for a thick framed densely built person.

My father and my son were exactly the same build as me we all have the same frame and shape etc yet i carry near 5 stone more than either of them,good weight not bad......that means genetically they have the capability to carry the same weight,likewise theres only so far you go the other way before you become unhealthy and that too is dictated by genetics....ie,whats unhealthy for one person wont be for another.

Edited by gnasher16
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