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Rhino Clip, The Saddest Thing I Have Seen

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BBC Newsnight had a piece on Rhino poaching it had a very short clip of a rhino still alive and moving its head from side to side, it had been shot and its two horns cut out there was blood pumping out of the wounds, not nice to see a great Animal in pain dying this way, seemingly they take the Rhino horn and Elephant tusks using a chain saw, its quicker.

Those rich Asians who buy this have a lot to answer, looks bad for the Rhino and Elephant its worth more than gold.

I can see them being wiped out in 50 years.

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yeah i seen something similar joe and it sure is depressing when you no it was just a pointless death as rhino horn has NO medicinal purposes at all :censored: stupid squinty eyed kunts should have there nose cut off with a chainsaw and see how they like it :yes:

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ive said it before...they need to set a few aside for shooting..by dirty stinking ritch yanks charge some stupic eye watering price for them....say two....some one will pay to shoot them then put than money to protecting the rest as they keep harking on about being short of funds all the time...ime sure a few millon would keep em going

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wierd just watched a rhino on you tube ,had its horn hacked of whilst still alive ,needed to be pts,was horrific!Perhaps all shti skins and slant eyes cnts in our country get no NHS,just rumage around in the garden for a cure to cancer,ect?Makes my blood boil,but oh well this planet aint got long left !

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