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ive had the pleasure to see pure salukis doing what they were bred for , there was no money mentioned big money fens etc over by in usa every days coursing i came away with the feeling there are good

Pup and dam and sire, mixture of kizzy of barkstead, ringsgsfield pharoa, cruise of shildon, asaha, talk of town, khan jihad, royal jihad, tepe de gawra, knight Ellington, stella artois, cream craker

Assuming it was correct about Khan then probably 60% of UK bred salukis wouldnt be pure , also you follow the lines of Khan jihad back I for one wouldnt like to point out which of his lineage are not

  On 14/02/2014 at 17:52, arcticgun said:


  On 14/02/2014 at 17:50, Saluki246 said:


  On 14/02/2014 at 17:47, arcticgun said:

Born 06/10/13

:thumbs: ..pup in the pic, has taken after doris, grand pup.

same color as doris same build as Nero



Spot on, your right their artic. :thumbs:

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her mam getting her fitness back now pal, she stopped a couple last weekend , planni9gn to run her next season fully fot ssee how she copes, nice style to her once she gets to em, lacking a bit top end fitness but holding her own well for coming off pups, my pup nearly the size of her now lol he still gop tplenty of growing to do as well, have a pop over pal and we take em all out for walk sometime

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tht line has been slandered to fook from all ends the saluki coursing club hates them as did the northern saluki club, maybe cos working men kept em and they done well enough in right hands, as I have said befiore you would be hard pressed to find another breed of saluki that has put as many hares on the ground as these lines have , dig deeper than five gen in there history and they as well bred as any saluki , to be honest I think theres no such thing as a pure anynmore if there ever was, some count tazi sloughi as saluki Id go further and say most lurchers of that type are saluki, look at old pics of desert saluki and you see pics that look the spit of what lads run fens with these days , all regional variations of the same thing, honest and integrity are short in all walks of life


if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, then it must be a ........ saluki

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A saluki is 100% pure if its not then it is not a saluki full stop even you cross out a dozen times to a pure it still has dna from an out cross. Most Uk salukis are questionable because of the corruption of the Kennel club and unscrupulous breeders who will breed from anything that bleeds. The serious saluki lads are always willing to get out and run their dogs, some choose not to this is up to them but one of the biggest draw backs is untried and untested salukis being studded and bred from, how can a breed progress with some that shouldnt have a hamster never mind a dog.

Edited by desertbred
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  On 24/02/2014 at 19:45, Saluki246 said:


  On 24/02/2014 at 19:12, arcticgun said:

tht line has been slandered to fook from all ends the saluki coursing club hates them as did the northern saluki club, maybe cos working men kept em and they done well enough in right hands, as I have said befiore you would be hard pressed to find another breed of saluki that has put as many hares on the ground as these lines have , dig deeper than five gen in there history and they as well bred as any saluki , to be honest I think theres no such thing as a pure anynmore if there ever was, some count tazi sloughi as saluki Id go further and say most lurchers of that type are saluki, look at old pics of desert saluki and you see pics that look the spit of what lads run fens with these days , all regional variations of the same thing, honest and integrity are short in all walks of life


if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, then it must be a ........ saluki

Very true. I also heard, only rumour, that khan jihad was not 100% saluki, apparently, if any saluki is pure going back many generations, it will have some genetic fault? Not sure what i have been told is true, very hard to know what to believe at times.. ??


so if he wasnt pure wouldnt he have produced feathered pups when mated to a greyhound
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Assuming it was correct about Khan then probably 60% of UK bred salukis wouldnt be pure , also you follow the lines of Khan jihad back I for one wouldnt like to point out which of his lineage are not pure. I would be inclined to think they are pure. Its easy for the shit stirrers to start rumours about any dog or lad come to think of. it., there are a lot of miserable jealous sad c**ts in the dog game. :yes:

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most them rumours come from old saluki club whom hated the kizzy x RP lines, same again with khans lines, again simply cause the lads who owned the dogs allowed the 'working man' to own a pure saluki, money prestige whatever it was then snowballed into a divide, helping to ruin the breed in the process, go on the saluki archives and go back past five generations on Kizzy lines and look what is there knight Ellington, lusaki, tepe de gawra, amena lines you name it, its there by the spade load, then look on random peds from all over the world all the same names come up again and again, only blanks are the dogs direct from the sand pits the places where performance rules, dogs are gifted, where people depend on their dogs for food and company security etc real working stock


Its all bollocks, I could not care less, wont ever register another one with kc ever again, there poeds are wrong anyhow and they don't give a feck, only want ya money fo0r what a slip of paper? not much use when they running game now is it lol

Edited by arcticgun
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