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Rabbit Sets Next To Fox/badger?

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been out checking some rabbit warrens in a wooded area ,came across a few sets with larger dug holes an not really any rabbit dropings but only a few metres away from multiple rabbit sets in use.It flashed through my mind possibly badger or is it possible fox?(good idea to keep your meals on your doorstep it would be like living next door to mcdonalds,fast food lol).Any ideas or information would be usefull as I don't want to put my ferret with locator collar down a badger or fox set ,would be an annoying loss

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we got lots of badger setts with bunnys in full residence, lots of rabbit warrens that fox and brock have opened up and will use now and again and lots of rabbit warrens within 50yds of active badger setts, i will ferret the warrens with only bunnys and even warrens that occasionaly hold fox, but i let the bunnys in the badger setts be, and they in turn repopulate the rest lol

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na youll get no hassle if ye leave the iffy lookin places alone, fox will some times bolt out bunny spots but seem to have a knack a throwin a normal sized net an boltin to safety, if they dont bolt ferrets usually let ye know then can sort it with terrier

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