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Irish Lurcher down in Cork ye'd be known as a]LANGER.Capital me arse.Frank take no notice of that big hairy lump.......you married an Irish woman,you have put up with their whingin for many a year,that makes ye Irish automatically and secures ye a place at the right hand of THE BIG MAN IN HEAVEN.Being from Dublin automatically make ye forfeit that privellege.

Edited by jigsaw
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  jigsaw said:
Frank take no notice of that big hairy lump.......you married an Irish woman,you have put up with their whingin for many a year,that makes ye Irish automatically and secures ye a place at the right hand of THE BIG MAN IN HEAVEN.


:laugh::laugh: ....Cheers jigsaw. :drink:

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Oh the joys of knowing that down south we have a wee county that loves us so much that they want to be us. :notworthy:


Ye boys can’t run a lurcher never mind the country, :laugh: imperious that’s what ye are, good job ye boys are a wee bit behind, the country would be fooked if we took ye for real. :yes::yes:


The smell on Patrick's Bridge is wicket how does Father Matthew stick it………… :sick: :sick: :sick:

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The country is f****d because of all ye Dublin b*****ds pulling stunts and depriving the rest of the country of what were entitled to.The reason they named your city the PALE years ago was because yere a sick lookin shower up there.We have a song dedicated to our city,its called''THE BANKS''The chorus.....on the banks of my own lovely LEE :toast: .Try writing something like that about the LIFFEY :sick: :feck: Watch it or we'll come up and take over IRISH LURCHER :haha:


Sounder you stay away from them small foxy people,they'll do ya in a blink of an eye.I DO hope you havn't been'' UP ''the Johnny Boys :sick: :cry::no::o:icon_eek::thumbdown:

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no jigsaw the pale, was a big high fence we built to keep the bast*rds in! no one knows how they got out. :doh:

then Mícheál Ó Coileáin, was sent up from Cork to sort them out. But he got taken in by their trickery and black magic, he made Dublin the capital and well you know what he got for that! :(

Tribesmen? a great crowd for the old camping on the side of the road :whistling:

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