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Warning Points

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The forum software automatically issues penalties based on how many points you have active, you currently have 1 active. As this number increases it automatically increases the length of suspension you get if you receive more. However, the length of suspension you get is also automatically affected by the reason the mod uses when he issues a warning. There is also the option to instantly and permanently suspend the account of a member if a mod feels it's warrented.. The trick is to avoid getting them in the first place.. :laugh:

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Cheers malt, that makes sense and am guessing its why on the sixth point last time I got 2 weeks for 'abusuve behaviour' would you believe it lol

your lucky i pressed the button 3 times by accident the other day and suspended someone for 12 months aaron the coursing man :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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Yesterday I recieved one and on my profile it says one but when I clicked on it there are still another six from sept/oct of 2012. Are these spent or will they still be used against me lol

Best thing is to pm the mod saying ill rip your face off if you don't remove my warning point it works every time let me know how you get on :thumbs::laugh:

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