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An Hour Before Bed And The Rain...

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Quickly popped out to the local Golf Course as I was keen to try out Andy's nets I'd bought off here... Having not bought a set of nets for 15 years I've been used to using Bisley Nylon ones and knew no different.


Had a wander and found a small warren at the base of a tree, fresh droppings and digging identified it as worth a try in lieu of a dog to mark for me; quietly setting up the nets I decorated the tree in preparation for a retro 80's roller disco.


I popped the two ferrets down; it's been a 2 week lay off for Clyde as he'd recently been castrated so his first time out for a while... Off he went straight down the holes; him and his sister popped there head back up no more than twice before the next thing shooting out was a Coney now fully dressed in Dayglo 80's gear disco dancing around nicely pursed up. Quickly dispatched I went to reset the net; oh my how much easier is Spun Poly to reset?! With storm clouds looming and bed calling; I waited till the next time both popped out and fetched them away; from stepping out the car to sitting back in I'd been out only an hour, a true 'quicky' in the ferreting sense, but with a long stretch till payday, that rabbit will do nicely on the table, the wife will be pleased!







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The only thing wrong with the little pop out was Ticks.


I have never seen so many tiny little ticks ever; so tiny I thought they might be mites,


Some research revealed that Tick Larvae hatch in bundles of thousands and it would appear that a few hundred got on each of my ferrets.


Absolutely infested.


I guess it's to be expected in an area rife with deer.


As for the Hi-Viz Yellow nets I'm waiting for someone to ask me what I'm doing so I can say "I'm highlighting the rabbit holes, it's a health and safety requirement"

Edited by Nick3439
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