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I am a "Digging Boy" lol, so I won't worry my little head about it.

Genuinely curious though why you think the working Plummer will die out?

there aint many that can be dug to, never was. ;)


That's nothing that couldn't be sorted in a generation, The wrong outcross was used with no thought of earthwork, WM


even before the outcross, dogs that could be dug to were thin on the ground, some that had been worked below ground were 2nd rate, prob only bolting types, but hyped up by there owners, in 15 years i must have turned over every stone in plummer world, didnt find much :cray: then when u do find agud dog u need agud bitch to put to it :icon_eek: best of luck to them that still look, may u live long :thumbs:

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there is a dog called Ace being used a lot. he is throwing small but strong terriers.

The clock has been ticking for over 10 yrs to my knowledge due to women and inexperienced men with no prior knowledge of terrierwork taking control of clubs without any dedicated plan on how to improv

C.S. I don't think a baying type terrier can be too small for earthwork,if they try and mix it with a small head then it can be a problem,the size can be a positive in the speed around the earth forc

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I am a "Digging Boy" lol, so I won't worry my little head about it.

Genuinely curious though why you think the working Plummer will die out?

there aint many that can be dug to, never was. ;)


That's nothing that couldn't be sorted in a generation, The wrong outcross was used with no thought of earthwork, WM


i must admit to liking the outcross dogs. ive a couple of them and they suit my needs fine. Ace is outcross.. i personally think the outcross program should have been followed by by a good working terrier outcross . but thats just my opinion. :thumbs:

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Hello Keith, been a while matey since we spoke, hope your dogs are all doing well, you and Johnny know exactly the kind of poor treatment by clubs I'm on about, we all work our dogs within the constraints of work and family commitments but we are the lads that get to test them in the field where it matters, there are many ways to work our dogs and we all do what's comfortable for us, there is no pressure to work heavier quarry than you're happy doing, whilst I respect the lads that kill rats in large numbers it bears no comparison to a dog working day in day out on larger quarry, there has always been specialist lines or strains of all terrier breeds for rats, fox , etc and Plummers are no different in this, after over 40yrs of supposedly developing this breed by the various clubs they are no nearer to completion now than even 20yrs ago, we should of had in place many stud dogs for the type of quarry we wish to work that also have a proven healthy status and not being covered up because it suits a committee's agenda, more choice means a healthier gene pool for everyone, club sanctioned matings mean nothing if a breed stagnates because of lack of choice, WM


This is not a dig, but a genuine question............why is the fate of the working Plummer supposedly so tied in with committees & club protocol? Surely individuals who are genuine about producing working stock can act independently?

I know nothing of the situation with these dogs & I'm not a club type of person, so it seems an alien concept to me, that a working dogs future can be so governed by committees.......


the working plummer isnt . any individual can breed whatever they like. as a breed the plummer is in trouble but this need'nt effect the working plummer. unless of course you need to register them with one of the clubs the plummer terrier club of great britain actively encourages working your dog lawfully. and has a few good members that work there terriers. to rat rabbit and fox. within the constraints of the law

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Stick a good short leg Russell that's working a treat over a plummer

we did this many years ago when when the russells all had short legs. lol. pups came to small. and got mauled. as they had a fair bit of bottle. :thumbs: now a dog like Ace over one of the east essex terriers and i would jump on the waiting list :snack::snack:

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Stick a good short leg Russell that's working a treat over a plummer

we did this many years ago when when the russells all had short legs. lol. pups came to small. and got mauled. as they had a fair bit of bottle. :thumbs: now a dog like Ace over one of the east essex terriers and i would jump on the waiting list :snack::snack:


I'd be interested in seeing a few pics of that mating to see if they turned out like mine, what year would that of been then ?? You also mention in an earlier post that you would of liked to of seen the new blood crossed back to a good working terrier, well that's old news as I'm well ahead on that front, WM
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Stick a good short leg Russell that's working a treat over a plummer

we did this many years ago when when the russells all had short legs. lol. pups came to small. and got mauled. as they had a fair bit of bottle. :thumbs: now a dog like Ace over one of the east essex terriers and i would jump on the waiting list :snack::snack:


Ask him if he'll let a plummer go over one of his bitches :hmm: ,what you say then Donny? :laugh::laugh:

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Stick a good short leg Russell that's working a treat over a plummer

we did this many years ago when when the russells all had short legs. lol. pups came to small. and got mauled. as they had a fair bit of bottle. :thumbs: now a dog like Ace over one of the east essex terriers and i would jump on the waiting list :snack::snack:

You would wait till Im dead not tainting mine after all these years LOL

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Stick a good short leg Russell that's working a treat over a plummer

we did this many years ago when when the russells all had short legs. lol. pups came to small. and got mauled. as they had a fair bit of bottle. :thumbs: now a dog like Ace over one of the east essex terriers and i would jump on the waiting list :snack::snack:


I'd be interested in seeing a few pics of that mating to see if they turned out like mine, what year would that of been then ?? You also mention in an earlier post that you would of liked to of seen the new blood crossed back to a good working terrier, well that's old news as I'm well ahead on that front, WM


Never happen

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