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The Way Terrierworks Going.

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shes too interested in other peoples business and she doesnt realise she has mental issues that need treating. What a pointless, narrowminded and sick life she lives. She is a great example of a spoilt brat with nothing to do but kick a fuss.

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As I said before, those two lads are a credit to terrier work and fieldsports. Any young folk coming into the world of hunting and terrier work should look at those lads work ethic and take a leaf or

The anti's who are members on this site must be gleaming with pride reading all the doom and gloom about the state of terrier work. How is terrier work about to be banned ???? Is there something we

70s ingnore them badger protection act brought in 1973 80s ignore them BFSS fighting fund what happended to the money 90s ignore them every year tv and media dragged the waterloo cup through t

This country is f****d we aint allowed to do f**k all.its ran by a pile of muppets who think they can tell us what to all the time.its full of immigrants who do wat they want to do so why cant we ive had enough of great britan or shal I say britan as its not so f***ing great any more.

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terrier work is fcked in the uk the anti s propoganda machine has won , as soon as folk see you out with the dogs these day s there on your case then on the phone we need the like of the CA to televise country pursuits and pestcontrol something along the lines of cuntyfile but showing the real side of countrylife but it wont happen as it costs to much money , the field sports channels ok but it needs jazzing up on put on mainstream tv itv or channel 4

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Fair play to the lads they kept there cool and done there job upto scratch with the law so that horrbile bitch couldn't do a thing. He's a good lad that terrier men dug with him before and he a really honest fella who just doing what he's paid to do. You don't see RSPCA getting attacked like this they kill more helpless animals than any one all those dogs. They put to sleep each year.

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Terrier work may well soon get banned but it will never stop, as long as their is foxes to ground i will dig them, and as long as there is game above ground i will hunt, i aren't been told by a load of pompous twats in suits what i can and can't do, i always feel i wish there was more i could do to educate people to the ways of the countryside and the needs for these ways, but most of the time your just wasting yoour breath, and most of the people that appose it have never spent a day in the countryside

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The anti's who are members on this site must be gleaming with pride reading all the doom and gloom about the state of terrier work.

How is terrier work about to be banned ????

Is there something we don't know ?????

Terrier work was lucky enough to be one of the fieldsports that emerged out of the trainwreck called the Hunting Act relatively untouched. All through the work of a few individuals who for one second wouldn't accept that terrier work was ever going to be banned.

It is up to every single one of us who work terriers to ensure that no more unsuitable material or stories or information should ever fall into the hands of those who would manipulate it in to something to be used against terrierwork.

The two lads in the video that started this thread have proven that terriers can be worked effectively within the law.

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  On 11/02/2014 at 08:14, neil cooney said:

The anti's who are members on this site must be gleaming with pride reading all the doom and gloom about the state of terrier work.

How is terrier work about to be banned ????

Is there something we don't know ?????

Terrier work was lucky enough to be one of the fieldsports that emerged out of the trainwreck called the Hunting Act relatively untouched. All through the work of a few individuals who for one second wouldn't accept that terrier work was ever going to be banned.

It is up to every single one of us who work terriers to ensure that no more unsuitable material or stories or information should ever fall into the hands of those who would manipulate it in to something to be used against terrierwork.

The two lads in the video that started this thread have proven that terriers can be worked effectively within the law.

Yet again another great post Neil. :yes::victory:

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Terrier work is legal As it states in the law , The lady in question was breaking the law and has broke it in the past , She takes great pride in announcing her spouse works for mersey side police And she states i will be informing him , now how will a forensic technician use any information passed on from her " Legally " would he access DLVA. Sources to. Find out names and address of people she has taken. Car reg etc , this is illegal. NOW IS THE UPLOADING PHOTOS TO HER SITES ILLEGAL it seems not in a public place , So

The road out side her house is a public place. SEE YOU SOON JUDI.

Edited by gonetoearth
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