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The Way Terrierworks Going.

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As I said before, those two lads are a credit to terrier work and fieldsports. Any young folk coming into the world of hunting and terrier work should look at those lads work ethic and take a leaf or

The anti's who are members on this site must be gleaming with pride reading all the doom and gloom about the state of terrier work. How is terrier work about to be banned ???? Is there something we

70s ingnore them badger protection act brought in 1973 80s ignore them BFSS fighting fund what happended to the money 90s ignore them every year tv and media dragged the waterloo cup through t

Could'nt agree more, the comments on the youtube channel have been disabled now, but i decided to write to her explaining that they were working well within the law, that it wasn't a badger set and such pest control needs to be done on shooting estates especially around the time that the birds start mating/ nesting as pheasants are ground nesting birds, she replied by saying that pheasants werent ground nesting birds and it could of been a badger sett, and this is the problem that the people/saboutours that do this sort of thing actually don't no the laws but try to police them!!!!! Boils my blood!!!

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As I said before, those two lads are a credit to terrier work and fieldsports.

Any young folk coming into the world of hunting and terrier work should look at those lads work ethic and take a leaf or two out of their book.

that video, was half hour long, and was edited too make the lads look bad ,

just goes to show how foolish and un educated ,in the law ( by there own admissions on the tape}

Judi hewit and emma thomas are ,

they claimed that they were ''threatend by masked men with a gun''

to get thepolice there,

story goes, helicopter came two lots of armed response 5 cars!!!!



but they did later on apperantley,

what bugs myself is the cost of the time wasting?? will judi and emma or the northwest sabs get the BILL ?? eh!!No


taxpayer again unbelievable

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Neil, your 100% on the money.

Legacy, though you said you don't know if you could have kept your cool but by writing and explaining, you have taken the right approach, it'd be far easier to slag and slate but put time into a thought out letter and you to have done the job right. :victory:

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I no i said i would'nt have been able to keep my cool and i would of found it hard but a deep breath does alot, we just don't need to give these people the ammunition they want, they no they can't get anything on us so its just push and push and push to try to make people snap and then they go to town on you and the rest of the hunting community

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Could'nt agree more, the comments on the youtube channel have been disabled now, but i decided to write to her explaining that they were working well within the law, that it wasn't a badger set and such pest control needs to be done on shooting estates especially around the time that the birds start mating/ nesting as pheasants are ground nesting birds, she replied by saying that pheasants werent ground nesting birds and it could of been a badger sett, and this is the problem that the people/saboutours that do this sort of thing actually don't no the laws but try to police them!!!!! Boils my blood!!!

i have copied what she witnessed on the other thread
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Again this person is not only unstable but she tells lies. That lead to the police wasting time resources and. Tax payers money in these days of cuts i would like to see judi Hewitt charged with wasting police time , but having a spouse who works for HM police force maybe she has a certain sway Write to the chief constable of north wales police. Asking why she and 999 ema. Were not charged that day and why. She is allowed to. Post photo graphs and videos Making accusations of wrong doing , At every opportunity . Video her and her Accomplices Record reg plates. Etc etc it might seem over the top. But this person is unstable and might just edit some thing that some one may one day believe .

Edited by gonetoearth
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