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I knocked up a Pollytunnel for the wife last January. it came in kit form from a company called First Tunnels and was all pretty much straight forward. the only problem I had is my Garden is on a pretty severe slope so I needed to level the ground which was a nightmare! it was fine until I got down past the first 12inches and then I was on Sandstone.


Anyway I finally managed to level the ground and dig footings for the section plates and away we went, the other problem I had was I had two choices either to dig the Polythene in or use a Baserail and battoning, I chose the baserail ahead of anymore digging which personally I think looks alot tidier and also give you the option to losen the clamps later and push the rail down to tighten the polythene, the final problem was the issue of top soil? I was going to need alot!! thankfully we managed to acquire a good few ton of Horse Manuer and some nice dark rich top soil from close by, the depth we went to was around 10 inches.


All in all I enjoyed doing it and would certainly recommend anyone with the space to consider knocking one up. the food Gill has grown from this 15 x 10 Polytunnel is Incredible, its not a big tunnel by any means but has certainly put some nice fresh veg on the table week in and week out! the nest thing to invest in is a heater for the winter and some Bubble wrap to Insulate the Polythene.


The kit came from this website below. it wasn't expensive but what I would advice is anyone who is undertaking building one to but in your own wood for Battoning/Door Frame/Doors/Baserail. if you but it from the company it'll knock the price up no end....




Jasper http://www.firsttunnels.co.uk


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No idea mate but its a private house and its staying put now, the local councilor two doors up has one so I'll have to ask him!! mind you he's been round and given advice to the missus about growing stuff and never mentioned it :hmm:.....

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In England planning permission is not required normally if its in your back garden, over 5m from your house (AS it could be classed as an extension) and for purposes incidental to the dwelling house. In other words not a business. This is a rough guide. Trust me I do it for a living. (planning shit that is) Well it pays for the shooting and keeps the Patterdale fed.

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Many thanks for the info Guys :thumbs: the garden is 70 odd feet and the tunnel is set a good 3/4's the way down. its wonderful going out there on a sunday morning and picking some Veg for Sunday dinner :thumbs:, the only thing I would love to do now is be able to rear some livestock for the table such as Pigs.


This is the Polly tunnel in action. I made a few listakes one of which I made was not fitting slideing doors and opting to fit doors that open inwards!! because of this the wifes lost alot of growing space, something I'll probably sort out by next summer...







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