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Jumping Lurchers

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Hi all! Got a pup at 8 months old yesterday! Hes brilliant on everything in the house and his recall is good out of house ! However when were out he won't jump! He also won't jump into the back of the car, when in home I block door ways and he will jump on every command! However once in the field he doesn't want to no!! Any ideas or advice on coaxing him along!

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to solve the jumping into the motor bit just feed him in the car, place his food bowl in there and he will soon get the idea, at 8 months he is still learning, when the chase is on he will soon learn the fastest way to get past an obstacle,

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Never start mine till 8 months. Still growing at that age so joints are not fully grown.


Be careful if you start on fences and gates as they are easy to get legs caught up on and definitely avoid barbed wire. I like to use a dry stone wall as they can climb/jump them to get to the other side. Tease him with a favourite toy/dummy/skin and throw it over a low wall, he'll soon get over.


All the best.

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Dry stone walls are just as bad as any fence holes for dogs to catch there feet/legs in and dry stons walls are loose dog climbs up them stone comes loose lands on dog fracture/broken leg foot toes as been said start low and work up over a matter of weeks

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I wouldn`t fret about it Dan. Mine was the same out in the field & in & out of the back of the Jeep. He`s 11 months now & still training as far as jumping is concerned, in fact this morning was the first time he cleared without touching the top of what is a reasonably low fence.


I coaxed him gently by the collar & took small steps at a time. I won`t have him jump any higher yet until I`m absolutely sure that he can clear with confidence. It`s been slow going, but we`re getting there. He is in & out of the Jeep no problem at all now.


Don`t risk injury in a such a young dog that`s still developing physically. It can be quite hard to be patient at times, but you will reap the rewards if you are.


He`ll do it!

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