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Irish Wolfhound

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does [NO TEXT TALK] work them? is so what they like?


If you've ever really been up close to an adult Wolfhound you would fully understand why no one would use one for lurcher breeding....


Reading about breeds, or seeing one whilst passing at 30mph through a car window, should not influence someone to consider it for lurcher production!

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they are used as boar dogs in Oz still


I know mate and I carnt understand feckin why. But they use great Danes as well over there, both breeds are unfit dogs lucky to live 7 years and both slow dogs. don't know if they have different lines out there because here they just kc shit show dogs here.Iused to keep Bullmastiffs in the 80s and went round few shows back then, and the big heavy breeds were having major prob, with HD etc ... that's why I came out of the breed and kept lurchers, something that was healthy and live past 7 years .

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My misses had a wolfhound and there just to big and heavy and if they ever broke a leg out in the field there is no way your carrying one back to the motor,it'd have to be delt with there and then and hence why i never tried her on game.Lovely loyal dogs but heart breaking from 5 years old onwards as the health goes down hill and because of that we'll never own another one and when one has the shits it's like having a scouring calf in the house :bad::laugh::laugh: .

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  • 6 months later...

I had two many years ago. The first I had from a pup and she'd go miles with me on my horse, and she caught a few rabbits too. But we are talking about over 35 years ago so maybe they have gone downhill since then and she could have been a freak. She wasn't that big: around 32" at the shoulder, which I gather is undersized by modern standards. Lovely dog, easy to live with and very obedient. The second one I had was a rescue, and had a slightly crippled leg due to it having been broken and not properly set. I got her as a 5 year old shortly after I lost the first, and she was a truly awesome guard dog, looking after me and the herd of goats I had in a very isolated mountain environment. Sadly died from pneumonia when she was 7.

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