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myself,im a firm believer in giving dogs supplements when being worked hard,even if its to help long nights lamping,a hard days coursing or given to help muscle recovery the next day.i know of people who think its a waste of money.allso i always give supplements to puppys being weaned to try to make muscle and bones stronger,just wondering what you lot think

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Why give it if you dont know what its for???

If you know nothing about what its for you wont know much about how to administer it, giving supplements for the sake of it is wrong imo.

Do a search and read up on it.

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i firmly beleive that a good balenced diet with plenty of fresh meat is all our lurchers require. I have toyed with many vitamins and supplements, but did not really see the benefit (in my own dog). Sometimes it pays to be cautious as certain vitamins will need other vitamins to act properly. The unwise may do more harm than good. The greyhound boys are the ones you need to ask for advice.

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yeah you got to give the supplements balanced,as they can cancell each other out,also b carefull some supplements dont work with some foods,i find mostly they make a big difference with next day recovery,no stiffness etc.surelly what helps greyhounds will help lurchers.

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Guest Robbie Morran

I use supplements for my dogs , but as trev said using them just because u thought it was a good idea isnt the way to go , u have to no what u are giving the dog and why u are giving it , but they do make a differance on a coursing dog that is run every week .. i think u can hold a dog at its peak a bit longer using supplements..

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Was on the phone to a guy at Red Mills Killkenny in Ireland, talking to him about feeding supplements with a balanced diet dog food such as red mills racer.This was when I was running dogs on the fens and was wanting to get the best from my dogs.

I almost wished I had,nt asked the question as I was on the phone for what seemed like hours. These guys are specialists in their fields, and even though we mean well ,what came out of the conversation in a nutshell was they provide a balanced diet "just that"! He even explained how certain things they add help other things to break down. Anything we add can stop thier diets breaking down, and that means we don,t get the best from it.

At the end of the day its not for me to tell anybody how to feed their dog, only you Know your dog and how it performs on certain feeds.

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I use supplements for my dogs , but as trev said using them just because u thought it was a good idea isnt the way to go , u have to no what u are giving the dog and why u are giving it , but they do make a differance on a coursing dog that is run every week .. i think u can hold a dog at its peak a bit longer using supplements..


Hows things Robbie???

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Guest Robbie Morran

Not to bad mate , no coursing on the Fens for a while , the ban has hit Fen coursing real hard , i will be running my dogs this season , but i havent had them out of the run yet , its been a real kick in the balls .

I am coming over to your neck of the woods , a friend of mine is working as a keeper , he has a bit of terrier work lined up , it should be a good weekend


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