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Lurcher Throat Slashed!

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i think the owner has been tracked down and is due his comeuppance.........this happend a couple of weeks ago but has only just hit the papers....a couple of dog lads were trying to find it after it was first seen and do the right thing and bury it.


the owned will get his...eather by the law or by some one else

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Looks like a brutal & pretty barbaric act was probably carried out - but..., fcuk all to do with hunting or genuine lurcher men as far as I can see.

I think the report intends to infer..., based on the account of the 'unnamed' Barrow grandmother & the lazy journo that failed to ask her if she actually knew if the dog was indeed a 'hunting dog' or just had the appearance of one..., that the dog had been injured whilst hunting, and rather than do right by the dog the owner had cut the dogs throat and left it where it lay. That's one plausible scenario, but I could give countless others, equally plausible that have nothing to do with 'hunting'.

'Unnamed Granny' said "While I thoroughly understand that broken legs are a common accident in hunting dogs what I can’t get my head around is the fact that the poor dog was not treated by a vet, even if it meant being humanely put to sleep". If it had been a collie would she have mentioned the occupational hazards of sheep herding dogs - I fcuking doubt it! Maybe if it'd been a GSD she would have fingered the coppers :laugh:

Some people do unspeakable things to their own kids, that doesn't mean all other parents are to blame. Don't rise to this shite and recognise it for what it is - at best, lazy journalism by some reporter desperate to unmask the villain in his story and when he doesn't have a name he'll just blame 'hunters' (aka bogey men who come out in the night) OR at worst, some nutcase 'anti' who's either bending a truth or completely making it up.

Another plausible scenario? - nutcase 'anti' steals a lurcher (plenty of that going about) takes it up a quiet lane, breaks its leg & slits its throat. Leaves it there for some unsuspecting granny to find (it may even have had the local rags phone No. stapled to its ear but lazy journo forgot to stick it in his report)!!! In his warped protein starved mind he's saved some animals by killing the wolf and got one over on the evil hunters as well.

I've read posts by loads of the lurcher men & women on this site and I think you represent well all folk involved in hunting with dogs, show great care and compassion for your dogs, and I'm as sure as I can be that none of you would have left a dog like this.

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Dog was found on Saturday 1st Feb 2014, not a couple weeks ago?


Does that suggest there was another similar instance?

i was told about it on the 14th of the 1st....


"Some bad shit going on down here. Some low life chav had his dog out and it broke a leg so the c**t cut its throat and left it there" was the message i got

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Report in the local rag has been updated to include a £100 reward from an annonymous source, (not me), if the culprit is identified. Full story to appear tomorrow apparently. I`ll update as & when.


Personally I wouldn`t be interested in the reward, I`d rather gain satisfactory closure another way!



Edited by Barralad
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