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Hard Mouth Dogs??

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My bitch has always been very soft mouthed, holds the rabbit just enough for it not to get away and brings it back fine, but at the weekend she marked up some cover and went crashing in and pulled a rabbit out, she brought it to me but wouldn't let it go, it was like she had to work harder for that one so never wanted to give it up! After that she was fine again,

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My bitch has always been very soft mouthed, holds the rabbit just enough for it not to get away and brings it back fine, but at the weekend she marked up some cover and went crashing in and pulled a rabbit out, she brought it to me but wouldn't let it go, it was like she had to work harder for that one so never wanted to give it up! After that she was fine again,

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i dont think you can always tell if a dogs going to be hard or soft mouthed with a rabbit until its actually caught one or two. ive herd some people say dogs with pink gums will be soft mouthed and the dogs with alot of black in there gums will be hard mouthed.


another tale i was tolled when i was a kid was if you rolled a none boiled egg across the lawn and the dog retrieved it without cracking the shell he/she was going to be soft mouthed. had a dog do this with a egg and it and he smashed a rabbit to feck.


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Totally agree HM, those dogs I had were very soft mouthed in their retrieve but could be hard as nails with their strike.

I've never had a dog soft mouthed on hares, by the time and effort taken to catch 'em, a quick crunch would make the retrieve much easier for them. Had dogs that have brought some back live, well and loud but it was always dependent on effort. Mind you, in warm specks, that quick crunch could be a godsend on a noisy hare and gets the retrieve done a damn sight faster too!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it'a just Down to the dogs itself my pair are hard mouthed an iv tried for years to try an get the one to ease up a bit but no luck an my youngest dog takes hard mouth to a new level , even tho i trained him to retreive ect as a pup but nothin comes back whole with him now

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after having a few softmouthed dogs and seeing a good few , ones in the training and the other is in the breeding ,the best advice i would give anybody , is make sure parents are not crocodiled jawed and you only hunt one dog one man situation , till there in there second season ,ive had dogs fetch raw eggs , beat labs spaniels in dummy contests ,takes alot of dedicaition ,breeding and entering ,something that maybe be lost in most people nowadays ,saw dogs knack roe fox , fetch hare rabbit alive , 95 percent of the time ,had dogs you could let hare go after caught ,saw dogs catch several rabbs and let pups fetch them back ,alive in a controled manner ,had dogs fetch rabbs hares back one by the head other by back leg ,and rabbit still alive ,there enough tricks for a paragraph in a book to understand fetching and training dogs to fetch etc , mostly tho breeding and training and entering

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