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Nylon For Long Net Repairs


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Have a look on ebay at the bonded nylon. Im not sure what size would equate to 6z though. Ive had a quick look but its doing me in..

6z is 210D/18 with a z twist.


If I am not mistaken the Denier is a unit of measurement for nylon, 210D means that the yarn weighs 210 grams for 9000 meters so 210D/18 is a twine made up of 18 strands of 210 denier yarn. Whereas 210D/12 is a twine made up of 12 strands of 210D yarn = 4z.



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I did find a spool of green twine today in one of my draws ,looked about 6 z,so had ago at fixing the large hole a dog had chewed in the net last time I was out after it found abit of half dryed rabbit liver hanging there.For the life of me I couldn't remember how to fix it ,tryed for hours ,bits of twine all over the show ,nearly went cross eyed ,to think Ive made up plenty of purse nets but a accident a couple of years ago robbed me of my long term memory. I gave up in the end & since it was only 6 feet off one end of the net I just cut it off,its now given me a bit to patch with .lol

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