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Arsepca ..... How Many More Kicks To The Balls Can They Take?

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What annoys me is how these articles only comment on the hunt prosecutions. There are loads of other cases where people get the heavy handed treatment from the ARSEPCA and these need bring up more that the Heythrop hunt.

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They are on dangerous ground messing with old ladies & there cats , huntsmen ,shooters & the like are perceived as fair targets by the arspca donators but ........old biddy's with moggy's ..now your picking on the heavy weight division ....they could be skint in no time :laugh:

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Bullying little old ladies? This is exactly what we should want to see more of too. Them destroying their own credibility with the nation.


Get rid of that and their charitable / royal status would become vulnerable.


Exposing this sort of shit about them is what will leave Them exposed.


Looking like they've caught themselves a good one in the gonads too! See how that chap they've hired to go through them with a fine toothed comb is looking very likely to shit all over them himself?! :laugh:


They're on the f**king ropes alright. And they just can't see where the next blow's coming from! :boogy:


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and their pension schemes as well.


Apparently their 'investments' make them around 20 million quid a year so all these years they've been taking donations and putting it in to managed funds instead of helping animals with the money.


Corrupt like so many of our national institutions.



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Do you think they care the top of the tree gets there money no matter what happens after there set period at the helm they move on and the next persons left to sort out the mess

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