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A Night Out With Matt

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Well lads starting to teach Matt now all about hunting ill let Matt do the wright up but we got to the farm just as it was turning to dusk and the birds were coming in to roost here are the photos of to night atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:











Edited by bigmac 97kt
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It is Stuart,it is im turning my attention to Matt now as Daz is trained up now, he still has a few things to learn but he is there and can learn the rest him self if i keep training all these lads up there will be a load of mini me,s out hunting :laugh::laugh::laugh: atvbmac :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

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It is Stuart,it is im turning my attention to Matt now as Daz is trained up now, he still has a few things to learn but he is there and can learn the rest him self if i keep training all these lads up there will be a load of mini me,s out hunting :laugh::laugh::laugh: atvbmac :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:


It is Stuart,it is im turning my attention to Matt now as Daz is trained up now, he still has a few things to learn but he is there and can learn the rest him self if i keep training all these lads up there will be a load of mini me,s out hunting :laugh::laugh::laugh: atvbmac :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

lol get ya self a little shooting academy up and running mate !!

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Top night and top company!


I got a message to go to the farm before dark, seeing as the rabbits are few and far between we'd be after Pigeons!


The weather had been nice all day but as the day drew on the wind started picking up.


By the time I'd got to the farm the big trees were swaying back and forth as if they were blades of grass.


We set off and straight away Mac spots one and gives me the nod to take the shot, because the tree was swaying so much I decided to keep the rifle steady and wait for the Pigeon to move into the cross hair, pull the trigger and got it straight through the chest, it fell to the floor right at Macs feet. Hmmmmm this could end up very addictive, and something different to the rabbits! The best part is my perm has millions of the things and I've never touched them, that is about to change!


With that popped in my pocket (I'd left the bad luck game bag in the car, it's a bad luck game bag because every time I have it I get feck all haha) we quickly move on.


Like a pro Mac spots the second of the day in the trees on the edge of the houses, again he gives me the nod and tells to use the nearest tree for support, I used my left hand across my body with my palm on the tree and hold the rifle between my thumb and the tree, line it up and whack! Number 2! At this point it was so windy instead of dropping straight down it landed (we guess) on the garage roofs and we just could not retrieve it, gutted! As far as I'm concerned, if it ain't in your bag it doesn't count.


Back to the car for a quick drink and natter before the last of the light goes then out again, after a wonder around I spot a pigeon which Mac hadn't seen, dead pleased with myself I tell Mac that this one is his. Within a second he's on his knee, there's a thwack and it drops like a stone into the bushed below. We both dive in the bushes to retrieve it and Mac is 1st to spot it.


I'm not easily impressed but that shot did impress me, very windy conditions with the pigeon swaying back and forth, perfect shot placement and a very clean kill.


At this point the light was just about gone and you needed a boat to go near the fields so we called it a day.


Being a great teacher Mac showed me the easy (Amityville Horror) way of getting the breast meat off the things.


I've just had 4 pigeon breast for my lunch, I've never had them before and they were absolutely beautiful. Kinda like a small steak and liver combined.


Next weekend I'm taking Mac and Vizla to mine for some pigeon bashing!


Thanks again boss, as ever I had a brilliant time.





Edited by Matt Smith
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Good work fellas nice stuff. I hate gutting pigeon, it would have to be the most amazing food in the world before I'd hunt them for food urgh haha. Hope to see 1 or more of ya next week?

There easier than a rabbit faster,and less gory than a rabbit to clean i think eny way, GAY LAD atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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