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Dog started skipping a day or so ago not been to vet yet but a quick scan on the old interweb and its most likely luxating patella. If it is the case anyone got any experience of it own dogs with it ect.. like I said not diagnosed but symptoms sound bang on I've felt around his let0onee and don't feel anything popping off track, sideward or anything but I'm just thinking ahead .

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My brother had a russel bitch year's ago with a knackered knee joint..it never caused the dog any problem's but it clicked when the dog was picked up which used to go through me.. lol.. it lived till it was 14yr's old and never once had to go to the vet's through it's bad knee..

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I know I'll be best getting it diagnosed I was just leaving it a few days just incase it was something else. Anyone have any advice on supplements or diet that may help I read a low carb diet I'm asking on here because I wouldn't be suprised if vet tried selling me unneeded need and special diet that's not with shit.

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