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I will no longer look at threads that . . . .

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I will no longer look at threads that appear in the classifieds with a title that only says 'For Sale' or 'Wanted' :wallbash:


Not only is it downright lazy on the part of the thread originator, but it also means that many people waste their time looking at threads which prove to be of no interest!


So, if you can't be arsed to consider my wasted time then I can't be arsed to help you out :no:


Rant over!



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Your sig says books wanted - what kind of books? Ive got some scud books that someone left here :whistling: I think it might have been darcy on his last goat hunting mission :laugh: One of them is called Young boys with big toys the other one is too rude to put the name of it on here :icon_redface: I could be barking up the wrong tree of course cos you havent given enough info on what kind of books you are looking for hehe :laugh::laugh:

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  SJM said:
Your sig says books wanted - what kind of books? Ive got some scud books that someone left here :whistling: I think it might have been darcy on his last goat hunting mission :laugh: One of them is called Young boys with big toys the other one is too rude to put the name of it on here :icon_redface:


Sorry, my shelves are bursting with those kind already :whistling:


  ferretlove said:
Well i take your word for that :laugh::laugh: having never seeen it :D


We'll soon sort that out - you'll have a pm by 3.00!



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