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Rabbit Shooting Permission In Beds/herts/northants/bucks


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Hello everybody!


I am looking for a landowner, who is willing to give me a permission to shoot rabbits and/or other vermin on their land. I am shooting air rifles only. I am fairly experienced shooter. I promise to respect the land, as well as to be an extra pair of eyes on the property. Of course, I am ready to meet with land owner to discuss the opportunity.


Thank you very much for reading this.


Best regards,



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I totally understand that the chances are very slim.

Although the point of this forum section is exactly to enable meeting of shooters and land owners, obviously, it does not work properly. Although it is still a good thing to have a post just in case your post will be found by a search machine and given to an actual landowner.

So, I do not rely on this route alone obviously. I am also trying door knocking as well as trying to meet more local people.


So, your irony was appreciated. But this is just an extra (very slim, but always positive) change o acquiring new permissions.


Good luck in the field to everybody.


Best regards,



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I totally understand that the chances are very slim.

Although the point of this forum section is exactly to enable meeting of shooters and land owners, obviously, it does not work properly. Although it is still a good thing to have a post just in case your post will be found by a search machine and given to an actual landowner.

So, I do not rely on this route alone obviously. I am also trying door knocking as well as trying to meet more local people.


So, your irony was appreciated. But this is just an extra (very slim, but always positive) change o acquiring new permissions.


Good luck in the field to everybody.


Best regards,



as you say, it COULD be picked up by a search engine, but as most people tend to get an idea of a person within the first few lines they have written, perhaps you should include more about yourself, perhaps age? what type of insurance you hold, any shooting certificates you have etc, your availability, weekends/weekdays own transport/need to catch a bus/ etc

Edited by stubby
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Thank you very much for your. I agree with you regarding some of the info. Although, as I said, I am ready to meet and discuss details.

My age is visible in the profile. It is 29 years. I am insured. Anyway, I would guess that a person who would let another person on his/her land with shouting permission, will ask to see the insurance details.

Availability can change from time to time, but generally I am more available during weekends.

I think that transportation is my personal problem, but just as a clarification, I do own a car.


You see, all these questions have a lot of details and specifics. Each person will have different questions. The only way to answer all of them is to write full autobiography. But this is usually impossible. So, that is why I am said that I am ready to meet with a land owner to discuss the details.


Best regards,



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Ahh Bedfordshire


My second home,, and fortunately for you old boy,, I own most of it. And at Bromham I see,, lucky !.


Basically I own most of that area, so just crack on with the pest control, just shoot rabbits where you see them, but keep notes of what you do so that I can keep the factors updated.


I understand you only have an air rifle,, but there are real issues with Fallow around you, so if you get an FAC drop me a line,, we could definately use more guns.


Anyway, crack on and get shooting.


All the best



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  • 3 months later...

Hi there,

Just read that you own most of Bedfordshire.!

Would you welcome another Bedford man to shoot a few rabbits/pigeons/corvids.

I have .22RF and .17HMR, just need written permission.

I have BASC full membership for 5 years.

Best regards

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