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Ghosts... Wooohhaaaaa Haaaaa Haaa

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I think it's load of old cobblers, but I happened to see one of those 'mediiums' on TV a while back - can't remember his name, but why are they always slightly camp northerners...........? Any way....

its all crap for people with over active imagination , my mom+dad are dead , been gone few years now, many a time ive wanted to talk to my mom, when I felt low, s he would always cheer me up, but n

My bad, thought the OP was talking about Goats............

When I was at junior school, we had to write a ghost story for our English lesson.
A girl in my class told me about a "ghostly" experience she had had.
I blagged it and wrote a very, very similar story.
I won a 10 shilling book token, she got fletch LOL


Cheers, D.

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  On 29/01/2014 at 16:54, RubyTex said:

Well there you go then lads, no such thing as ghosts, no such thing as the paranormal, all the hundreds of thousands of people who have recorded audio, video footage and taken photographs, and have seen, heard or felt something strange have an over active imagination and need booking in to the nearest mental hospital ASAP....all because people who have never experienced it said so... :laugh::whistling:

you see the state of the c**ts,who claim to have seen ghosts,ufos big foot etc. there all rockets. lol with the amount of billions of people who have died on this planet,you would think we would be tripping over ghosts.

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I have never seen a ghost so I have no reason to believe that they exist, but I don't through the possibility away, same with UFO's, big foot, sea monsters etc. I do have the instinct though that reality as we perceive it, is just a thin vaneer, the idea of alternative realities and dimensions just rings true to me somehow. Especially true of sea monsters, which would be just an unknown species of large animal and the deep sea is barely explored. It will yield some surprises I am sure :yes:

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  On 29/01/2014 at 13:02, Malt said:


  On 29/01/2014 at 11:13, paulus said:


  On 29/01/2014 at 11:10, Blackbriar said:

I think it's load of old cobblers, but I happened to see one of those 'mediiums' on TV a while back - can't remember his name, but why are they always slightly camp northerners...........? Any way.......................


In a dazzling display of second sight, he asked an audience consisting almost entirely of OAP ladies, "Is there anyone called Margaret here?"..................After picking out one of the many, he (eventually) whittled her husband's name down to Jim, and said "He's telling me you have trouble with your eyes' is that right ?" She nodded so enthusiastically that her glasses almost fell off !!!! (I think it was Colin Fry!)


In a book published after her death, one of Doris Stokes' entourage spilled the beans on some of the tricks of her trade. She would also invite parents and families of people who had died (usually in awful accidents or murders), saying she 'had a message for them', after she had gleaned details from the local paper. At most of these gatherings, you are given a slip to fill in at the entrance, asking your name, who you're hoping to contact and any special messages you'd like to pass on! I know this last one is true, because my wife's mother regularly goes to watch that prat Derek Acorah !


Acorah and the rest of them are mostly harmless entertainers, but there are some that prey on the vulnerable and the weak, at the lowest point in their lives, and it shouldn't be allowed....................

like the church then, have you any idea what they charge for a church and a vicar, it also has to be paid upfront,


Cost me £40 to get married in church, that was 2006! :D


1900 im was quoted including church pionist!!

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I have never experienced anything, but my mothers family were spiritulists, and when she was in her teens her and her sister went to see a medium. When it was my mothers turn to sit with the medium, the medium told her that she would have a child with a disfigured right hand my mother was about 18 at the time and had not yet met my father.


When she was pregnant with me she reminded her sister what the medium had said and was greatly relieved when I was born that I had a perfectly normal right hand with no missing digets. However, when I was 15 and fell under the railway trucks and lost half my hand you could say the prediction came true?



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  On 29/01/2014 at 13:12, baw said:


  On 29/01/2014 at 12:59, clipo said:

i do!! was having a few games of pool up my bros club few weeks back and as i was taking my shot i thought his missis had walked on the bar....turned around and said ay up and no one was there!! freaked me out as 100% i felt someone was there :yes:

Let me guess, you missed right? Carlsberg don't make excuses but if they did....... :laugh:


wanker......... :D but your right lol kunt beat me 20-11 that night.......... :laugh::icon_redface::icon_redface:


  On 29/01/2014 at 13:15, NEWKID said:


  On 29/01/2014 at 12:59, clipo said:

i do!! was having a few games of pool up my bros club few weeks back and as i was taking my shot i thought his missis had walked on the bar....turned around and said ay up and no one was there!! freaked me out as 100% i felt someone was there :yes:


There definitely aint any asian ghosts there, Mel wouldv'e seen to that lol



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