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Saluki Bitch - Hair Loss

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I have pure Saluki Bitch (3.5yrs) who suffers from loosing her feathers in her tail each time she comes into season. They grow back thicker and fuller but they always fall out for a couple of months. Does anyone else have this issue or know what is causing this?


Any advice appreciated.



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I have pure Saluki Bitch (3.5yrs) who suffers from loosing her feathers in her tail each time she comes into season. They grow back thicker and fuller but they always fall out for a couple of months. Does anyone else have this issue or know what is causing this?


Any advice appreciated.




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you can get some omega 3 cod liver oil stuff to put with its food (cant remember the name of it), happened to our ridgeback when she was in season took this and her hair started growing back in 2 days

I will give it a try. Tried Seaweed supplement this worked with our horses and Dobermanns. Sal is such a picky eater that it put her off her food. Thanks for the suggestion.

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i wouldn't go down the route of taking hormone pills or injections, a good simple solution to skin and hair problems particularly in bitches is to regulary supplement the diet of the bitch with evening primrose oil, this is better than the fish oils for the problem you are having. don't go tipping loads on though, just put the minimum amount on 4 to 5 days a week all year round,


its a dietary supplement to provide a high level of Gamma Linolenic Acid, an omega 6 fatty acid, that is beneficial to maintain healthy skin and coat condition and to reduce scurfiness and dry skin.

The high level of GLA and omega 6 fatty acids contained in our Evening Primrose Oil makes this an excellent product for maintaining skin condition, reducing dry skin and increasing shine and coat growth. It is invaluable to give during the moult or where excessive hair loss has occurred and is ideal for breeds with long silky coats as when given regularly it will maintain the good quality coat these breeds require. Evening Primrose Oil also affects prostaglandin activity and so is helpful to stabilise hormonal imbalances.

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