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Standing Up For Staffies

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With all the current anti bull breed BS that covers the media at the moment I thought that I needed to share something that happened to me on Sunday................Once upon a time............. :laugh: Seriously I was out with my staffy on Sunday for 5 and a half hours, covered 18 miles on the south downs, slippery mud, chalk, hills etc and don't mention the rain :huh: I was about an hour from the car when I saw a chap with his daughter I presume, a cocker and a goldie. No problems, all good so far, he whistled them, they came to, all looked really good and then, a large, male goldie started bounding across the field towards us. I have known a couple of "dodgy" male goldies in my time but I thought no probs, he'll just come over, say hello etc, which he did..................at first. Then the attitude starts, growling, dominating etc, I could see he was upping the anti, so grabbed my staff by the collar and go out the field prompt. The thing is my staff had walked, ran and chased all that way in s**t conditions, covered in mud, soaked through and must have been cream crackered but did she get aggressive, when jumped on, harassed and molested by this dog............................................. did she f**k, but the thing is, if she had of done, you would be reading about another aggressive bull breed in the local rag. :yes: Sure you do get aggressive bull types, we all know that but please don't tar them all with the same brush, they can make the best companions that you could ever wish for :thumbs:

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With all the current anti bull breed BS that covers the media at the moment I thought that I needed to share something that happened to me on Sunday................Once upon a time............. Serio

Theres little point breeding Staffies these days if you are in it for the money,there is none!.The only kind of staffy people seem to want these days are the blue staffies,and a large % of them these

Find most people through attachment or pride can't find faults in their own dogs. Far too many poor examples are bred. Always believed a dog should have to earn the right to be bred. Being a lovely do

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Good write up Huan72, totally agree with you 100%!!


What pisses me off is when people cross the road just because your walking a staffie, I ve started to use it to my advantage and take mine on the school run to pick the kids up.......... It's great every f*cker moves out your way!!!!


Here's my DANGEROUS staffie....



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One of my dog's best "friends" is a staffy. When she sees him at the local park they chase each other, and play very rough, but there's no hint of malice there. After they've knackered each other out, they actually lay beside each other for a few minutes to get their breath back and start all over again. Great exercise for the pair of them.

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Nice looking dog mate, had the same thing with my dog, had him on the lead when a german shepard came up wanting to have a go, his dog ended up coming off alot worse, then the owner had the cheek to ask for my details :censored: . Mine is never aggressive with other dogs unless they start first, and in this case i was walking the little yorkshire terrier so i genuinely think he was only protecting him. But your right they make a great pet, i they are brought up right in the first place. Give them an inch and they take a mile

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:laugh: Mine goes out in the rain under protest but I always know if rains coming when I am out on a dry day, she will suddenly up the pace for no apparent reason and a short time later the rain arrives, I think she can hear it coming :D

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I think the problem with bull breeds is often the damage they inflict. But before I go any further im a big fan of them and think they make some of the most loyal dogs.

The point im making is we all have bad days and make wrong decisions and so do dogs. For example my dads labrador is an outstanding dog but I can think of one time when he bit another dog just the once but the soft mouthed lump didnt even make a mark all he did was cover the other dog in saliva and the other owner laughed and we got in with it. Where as most bull breeds if they make that 1 bad decision they often cause damage. Not only that the wankers that often own them shouldnt be trusted with a shitzu let alone a dog capable of damage. They need channelling and a firm hand showing right from wrong etc.

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a lad I know got staff typedog looks more like a pit, about 19-20in tall and very fit looking dog. Its 3 years old and got a great temp with other dogs, it rough with its play but friendly. It plays great with my pup , it knocks him down+ wrestles him to the floor and my pup a big fecker , when they finished playing my pup is fecked he must think what feck hit him :laugh: does both dogs the world of good. :thumbs: no dout about if this dog was nasty it would be very dangerous, just the strength of it , but the lad is sensible and done good job with it , its pity there not more like him with dogs that. I was brought up with bull breeds as a kid , so know what they are like, great dogs if kept+ trained right :yes:

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I get it all the time ' keep your dog on a lead ' just because I ve got a skin head ( not thru choice ha ha started losing my hair at 17 ) and covered in tattoos and walking a SBT people are quick to judge! My dogs are as soft as sh*t and don't have a nasty bone in their body, I have a young family and my kids have been brought up knowing how to respect dogs and vice verser


Here he is at 7wks




And now at 11 months



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