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Decoying Crows Using Lofters

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Last year I was out Decoying Crows and attempting to call them in from afar to land in my decoy patter. The day very slow; Id only had a shot at one Crow and missed completely! To my left about 200 yards away was a small dead Oak tree, I took the legs off of 6 decoys I had on the ground and put the ground peg though the decoy then tapped it to a lofting hook I use for my Pigeon lofters and put them in the tree as high and visible as possible using my pole.


This quick in the field adaption / mix of kit seemed to work well as the sport picked up and soon after, this method saved the need to by new Crow Decoys.


Hopefully it wasn't just coincidence as I plan to do the same again!


Has any one else had good results lofting Crows ? As well as the 6 lofted Crow Decoys I still loads on the ground in front of the hide.





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