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The Queen On The Sponge...

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The government probably spend £38 million a year on paper, pens and paper clips and there ain't one of them fit to lace that old ladies boots so I would say she is cheap at that money ;)

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What a waste. That queen, living it off the government in her castles with her corgis. (and gin) Just how much does this cost to maintain? The answer: 40 million pounds. That’s about 65 pence per pe

Well, as long as it upsets disgruntled republicans she can spend what she like for me!

hit her with bedroom tax

The government probably spend £38 million a year on paper, pens and paper clips and there ain't one of them fit to lace that old ladies boots so I would say she is cheap at that money ;)

Aye sounds a lot at first until you do a bit of reading about how much the government spend.. That's mere pocket change when you take it in proportion.. United just paid that to sign a football player! :laugh:

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The government probably spend £38 million a year on paper, pens and paper clips and there ain't one of them fit to lace that old ladies boots so I would say she is cheap at that money ;)

Aye sounds a lot at first until you do a bit of reading about how much the government spend.. That's mere pocket change when you take it in proportion.. United just paid that to sign a football player! :laugh:

Ohh well that's alright then..... Double it I say.... No f**k it, treble it, malt and wilf say its nothing but loose change squire :laugh:

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The thing is right, we all know we are stuck with them but enough a enough. She gets grants to pay the electricity. As far as I know, never having one in my life, a way a grant works is it covers a portion of the cost not the whole f***ing thing. She wants everything f***ing paid in full while accumulating wealth she never needs to spend!!! Wonder where she got that idea from.... Ohh aye, the mp's. the systems wrong. Can you lot honestly not see we are working to keep these privilege c**ts, government an all? The funny thing is, some of you are delighted doing it. Paying for c**ts you'll never see Yeeehaaa, wait till I bend over mam....

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Mr Cameron, I need help with my leccy bill. Can I get it paid from that £60mil you have set aside..... But mam, that's for underprivileged.... Yes yes, they'll understand.... But mam, there are pensioners can't afford heating, family's can't afford food, your subjects are dying.... Yes yes I know that but my subjects are loyal, they won't mind if they're gran dies as long as I'm kept in the luxury I'm entitled too...... Wilf and malt..... Here here, give her the money, it's only chicken feed, we speak for everyone.....

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Baw, how much of my tax revenue goes to funding the royal family?

65p a year. :thumbs:

It doesn't matter if its 1p, the point is, she wants to take money from a grant set there to save life's. it's ok her wanting all 800 rooms heated and lit but not at the expense of grants set aside for family's struggling. It's wrong and you know it.

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Baw, how much of my tax revenue goes to funding the royal family?

65p a year. :thumbs:



From the the Sovereign Grant Act right?


And how does that work then? Oh yeah that's it, it's around 15% of the Crown estate revenue. So in actual fact the Crown estate is paying in 85% of it's revenue to the tax system!


The f***ing cheek of it asking for a few quid more than the 15%!

Edited by Born Hunter
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Born, your not that thick are you? Do you honestly think the queen would sign over her monetary affairs to the government to get grants if she was making more than they were giving? Seriously, is that what your saying?

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