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ott the human population of Ireland has the same gene pool so the hennie blood will be close , my old man sent

some grouse hennies back over approx. 22 yrs ago to a M.C I think he put them into some hatch, and those that

ever seen them really admired them. striking lookin birds. but I will pm you with the little bit I know of your question.

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not the biggest difference mate.

Had hennies in the past, Irish greys, kept them as i always wanted them, bred them from fully cock feathered birds, had a real soft spot for them, but in the end they werent worth keeping, but that mi

hiall, I started this thead on the 27th jan trying to get hold of a pair / trio of hennies , I had some positive replys and some negative , BUT !!!! today fri 26th sept they arrived , and they are abs

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the second photo you put up looks a far nicer sort ..if its the same bird ..which it looks to be I would say its the phone that ive looked at it on distorted the picture ... not the first time its happened . ...

Dicky is a nice enough fella .... ive seen his fowl in the flesh and handled them .... some were quite nice others like his hennies and a light red were a bit cobby .... and he has some fig puddings which i saw .... the best birds i handled of his all contained a large preportion of blood from a breeder here ........

from the second photo I can see why hes being referred to as a fig ... because of the black markings ... shame the photos not breast on .

The classical marked fig pudding is more evenly marked with light almost wheaton feathers amongst the black and brown breast feathers .... if they are just brown and the very odd black we normally call these brown hennies .


O.t.t. ...... I see your at your old habit of name dropping ... tut tut tut .



basil ...... I could post a thousand photos but wont ... suffice to say I like a bird big to its weight with medium station nice length of back with good width across its hips



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@ basil.. that philosophy won't see you far wrong, what pleases you. is the full and only point,

we all get a little defensive of our birds, call me but not my birds kind of thing . breeding to what pleases you can

take a long time, maybe even a lifetime forget your standards in a book written a very long time ago, by someone

else who's birds pleased THEM. that's why ive never been bothered about parting with birds, mine will always be pleasing me

the ones I part with when there inevitaably crossed by there new owners and everyone will. (to please them) results in A-success

which of course is down to there selective breeding. or B - shite which of course is down to me.

some men have higher standards of what pleases them eg. looks, performance constitution etc. resulting in better birds.

so basil a simple saying like "sticking to what pleases me" is all you need. try to ignore the fools who will latch on to every post you

make, desperately trying to associate with you through criticism , false advice, envy, proved wrong time and again. for every one

of these is a dozen genuine lads.

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Duckwing do you come on here pacifically to argue and wind people up, just what is behind your hatred and what are you proving by all this you have had another crack at me saying I am name dropping why because I mention the name Kelly and the county cork well Duckwing like everything other subject you get yourself involved in you do not know nothing about Ireland because if you did you would know the sure name Kelly is the most popular in Ireland as for the county cork its only about as big as the county of Nottinghamshire if you chooked a stone you would it a Kelly something like asking for smith in the middle of London so mate just get off my case there is a good chappy

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mr bohn visited my two brothers a couple of times in the late 80s, at there home in wellsvile ohio, and they said he was a nice fellow, but he got himself involved in something that was not to good, but what a man dose in his own home is down to himself


. O.T.T this is a interesting statement fella to say the least. If what you say is true your tow. brothers should be very famlier with anthother short heel breeder from wellsvile ohio as I believe he was beating everyone around that time..... I luck forward to your reply... Ukroosterman
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Well first of UK I don't like what you say as to what I have said, second it may sound interesting to you but what is the big deal about it is it Elvis or something third if the person your referring to was billy ruble I don't even wont to go there mate some of us have left the UK you know, don't wont to come over as being rude mate but I beg to differ , what I have quoted is 100%, ps it will be a wonder if Duckwing dose not say I am name dropping again billy ruble

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O.T.T...... Sorry if my last post came across the rongway fella..... but that don't prove much as any chicken man worth he's salt as heard of B.R.... From your posts on hear you seem as if you know what your talking about... But as stated bye D.W your lips are to loose ..... A little bit of edvice PMs are there for reason.. ATB Uroosterman

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UK, sorry mate but I did not know I was in a court of law here, you ask me something and I answer you, what you wont to make of that is out of my hands, that's down to you, as regards as my lips being to loose, in what way would you mean that, as you have got me at a loss on that one, all my past post are on here for everybody to read, it don't take a great deal of time to get them up mate, please be my guest, as for pm's half the time that's for backbiting and bullshiters telling one another crap so nobody can challenge them on what they say all the best O,T,T

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