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Whats the ground like round you?

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Heres a picture of one of the fields round me in Kent. In the last 10 years its been getting steadily worse because its crops out, and crops in, No ploughing to turn the soil over and bury the flints for drainage, never fed except for chemical fertiliser.What do I do make them boots to run in or stay out of the fields,Its only one of many. :hmm:


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heres amethod apicked up in north wales, go to the pharmacy and get blue crystals and white vinger mixed them together just enough to cover the bottom of the feet, and it will harden the feet and it will stop the tearing of the feet you can even do it with tears in the feet, it will harden the cut and they wont go lame. we used the on lurchers and hunting hounds and theyed hunt on slate hill all day.


hope this helps.

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potassium permante think thats how you spell it purple crystals but a few in a bowl of water and soak they feet it in, hardens the skin and will kill any infection as well ,we use it a lot in the army ,also steralises water and you can use it to start fires when mixed with sugar or glycril(sorry about the spelling}

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Should be pretty cheap they come in a small tub ,3 quid around can't see it being more than that.


I borght some not long ago £2.00 for 25g tub,

but the chemist's are a bit funny about selling too much of it

as its used in bombs,dont get it on your hands,it takes ages to get the stuff off,

iodine works well to..cheers Millie :thumbs:

Edited by millie
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