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Rip Blakun

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Were out yesterday lads shotgunwilly of here bitch ran 1st bigear single caught it on her 2nd was hammering it went in for the lift she went down screaming we ran up the field bitch had broken her leg real bad bone sticking out carried her to farm the owner rang his vet we went to village he said she won't ever run again its to badly broken she was pts she was in her 1st season and looked real promising she ran well on saturday as well got 1 to the mate was gutted we were having a good day until that happend she was just turning 17 months rip blakun

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Sorry for lose of bitch mate ive had it happen to me on ditches not nice specialy when dog starting to shine but there is a chance every time we let that dog go its not coming back one way or another at least it was looked after and was doing what it was bread for not like a lot of dogs wasting away sat doing nothing every end has a silver lining good luck with your next dog atb

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Hopefully there is another nice one for you to make you smile you will always remember the good times with her now get ready for the times with the new dog and never judge the new one on the old one you will never get two dogs the same ive a pup im running now and I keep telling him old lad would have had that one and he just looks at me inof to say get me another one to run but I love all my dogs the same no matter young or old its the times you had that counts atb

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