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just hope you know what you letting yourself in for mate its far from easy as ive found out the price of feeding worming beding and then when you need take them to the vets and then you will have to pay to get then out the local kennels when you lose them beacuse it will happen then there is exercising them every day


and do you have the permission to run a small pack of hound once they get going they can cover some ground im not trying put you of mate but its hard work its a second job and can put a strain on relationships when you have to put your hounds before the misses and kids


but when it all falls into place its the best feeling in the world when your out walking the hill and the the hounds get on it sends a tingle up you spine and you hair stands on ended


best of luck mate

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just hope you know what you letting yourself in for mate its far from easy as ive found out the price of feeding worming beding and then when you need take them to the vets and then you will have to pay to get then out the local kennels when you lose them beacuse it will happen then there is exercising them every day


and do you have the permission to run a small pack of hound once they get going they can cover some ground im not trying put you of mate but its hard work its a second job and can put a strain on relationships when you have to put your hounds before the misses and kids


but when it all falls into place its the best feeling in the world when your out walking the hill and the the hounds get on it sends a tingle up you spine and you hair stands on ended


best of luck mate


I'll second that :thumbs:

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