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How Do You Use Your Locators?


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Just wondering if people put a collar on the ferret all the time or use them on a hob in the way a liner was used in the past. I have just got a mk3 with one collar and rather than splash out on another collar or keep swapping it over i was going to try the liner method. i would like to hear your thoughts on this.

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Never put a ferret to ground with out a collar so I use a lot of collars , it's got to be time wasting if a ferret kills or sticks in a burrow you have to collar up. Another one and too search for the first one

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Got to have a collar for every ferret below ground, feck pissing about with cold hands changing collars. I think Ive converted a lad who used to ferret "loose" but after a few times out, he noticed it was always his collar-less ferret holding us up. Plus, if its collared up, but you cant dig to it, at least you know where it is and can block it in for the night.

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Aye if your working a large burrow and have a few ferrets in and it goes quiet its just a case of box out and dig them out one at a time job done on to the next burrow , if you only use one collared ferret its going to take all day to get your ferrets back you wont get much ferreting done

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