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This article also serves to reinforce the point which has been made on here and on many occasions as to how a relatively innocent photograph can so easily be misrepresented.   The photograph of the

Sadly this is journalism at it's very worse. If you took all the sensationalism out of the report it's a report of fox control properly carried out within the law. The hunt would be within their righ

The mirrior of mis information Although we all know the fox has been humanly despatched to the letter of the law the jorno is an anti and has been given the Window to propogate this version o

Sadly this is journalism at it's very worse. If you took all the sensationalism out of the report it's a report of fox control properly carried out within the law.

The hunt would be within their right to seek an apology as the reporter says they dug into a badger sett, which is illegal. But the farmer states that they dug into an old badger sett, which is completely legal.


Just goes to show you that even if your 100% within the law with your terrierwork it's worth taking the time to have a look around for scum who might film you and cause this sort of sensationalism.


As for 3 children on a dig ? Did my heart good to see that. Best of luck to them.

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That whole article is a joke but certainly didn't make me laugh! Lads doing the dig should have had a bit more savvy with all that is going on at the moment! Obvious the papers would jump all over this! Must have been a petting farm owner that they interviewed!

Just want to think ourselves lucky they didn't interview some idiot in a hoody and trainers trying to rub his ego about how good his dogs are (nothing against hoodies and trainers just the arseholes that sometimes inhabit them) .. That will be next to portray everyone in an even worse light (tarred with the same brush and that)

Don't think we've got much chance for a future if people don't start putting there dogs and work before there ego's.

Cheers andrew.

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what a joke the media are the ones who need chasing and flushing out!!


how they can think it is ok to invade peoples lives and spin off a story completly opposite to what it is whoever it is whether its huntsman or bloody amir khan cheating on his misses ruining people lives and making a career of it and getting paid well that is pretty sick to me you never hear how dog thief crime is going thro the roof people having there guns stolen, ferrets things that are irriplacable


its the biggest form of brainwashing there is to date and its perfectly legal and then you have a band of idiots jump on the story banging on about child abuse,

there out with there dads uncles whoever being eduacated not sat in front of computer stuffing there face with big macs then claiming benefits cos there kids too fat to walk to school or being raped beaten thats child abuse


F#cks me off

Edited by twymanc
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This article also serves to reinforce the point which has been made on here and on many occasions as to how a relatively innocent photograph can so easily be misrepresented.


The photograph of the dead fox carcass (which is clearly dead and had no doubt had been humanely despatched with the guns referred to) is being removed for proper disposal as required by law, yet simply by the addition of the caption “Barbaric: Hunters with dying fox.” portrays events in an entirely different manner. That one word difference, dying as opposed to dead, makes such a difference as to what the general public think they are seeing…. to them it’s a terrier ragging and baiting a live fox, when in actual fact it’s nothing of the sort.


If so called responsible journalists are prepared to go to these lengths to beef up a story, then just imagine what lengths committed antis are prepared to go to in order to further their cause and our downfall. That’s what we’re up against and it should be borne in mind at all times.



J.M.H.O. - Barrie

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The mirrior of mis information Although we all know the fox has been humanly despatched to the letter of the law the jorno is an anti and has been given the Window to propogate this version of the event . it happend over the holiday yet its late jan and has only been brought to press now , we have no voice in the media even though i gave money to basc for a media center they still refuse to support. Or even try and redress the balance , the three kids are being shown life in the community they live in now lets redress the artical as it has been presented

There are no hounds in any photo so its mere conjecture and the word of a anti hunting farmer that hounds marked , when the might have been flushed to waiting guns, the OLD BADGER SET is old in the statement of a local anti hunting farmer so not habitated , the men have entered one terrier as in the photograph ,

They stood the youngsters back out of harms way. So when the fox was located the appropreate action could take place RE the. Humane despatch by firearm in this case shotgun , the fox was taken out of the ground in accordance with current legislation to be desposed of , the terrier. Grabbed a dead fox again breaking no law , the misrepresentation by the media over the past few years and the illigal phone tapping of peoples phone etc and ex lying editors would lead me to beleave.


Only problem is the. Readership of this paper think coronation street is REAL

Edited by gonetoearth
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This article also serves to reinforce the point which has been made on here and on many occasions as to how a relatively innocent photograph can so easily be misrepresented.



The photograph of the dead fox carcass (which is clearly dead and had no doubt had been humanely despatched with the guns referred to) is being removed for proper disposal as required by law, yet simply by the addition of the caption “Barbaric: Hunters with dying fox.” portrays events in an entirely different manner. That one word difference, dying as opposed to dead, makes such a difference as to what the general public think they are seeing…. to them it’s a terrier ragging and baiting a live fox, when in actual fact it’s nothing of the sort.



If so called responsible journalists are prepared to go to these lengths to beef up a story, then just imagine what lengths committed antis are prepared to go to in order to further their cause and our downfall. That’s what we’re up against and it should be borne in mind at all times.



J.M.H.O. - Barrie

The camera never lies but can give a false impression
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This article also serves to reinforce the point which has been made on here and on many occasions as to how a relatively innocent photograph can so easily be misrepresented.


The photograph of the dead fox carcass (which is clearly dead and had no doubt had been humanely despatched with the guns referred to) is being removed for proper disposal as required by law, yet simply by the addition of the caption “Barbaric: Hunters with dying fox.” portrays events in an entirely different manner. That one word difference, dying as opposed to dead, makes such a difference as to what the general public think they are seeing…. to them it’s a terrier ragging and baiting a live fox, when in actual fact it’s nothing of the sort.


If so called responsible journalists are prepared to go to these lengths to beef up a story, then just imagine what lengths committed antis are prepared to go to in order to further their cause and our downfall. That’s what we’re up against and it should be borne in mind at all times.



J.M.H.O. - Barrie

The camera never lies but can give a false impression
. When the statement the camera never lies was coined There was no computers , no photo shop , no. Such thing as mobile phones , pixels , or antis. , The biggest threat to are way of life is misrepresentation be it by the media or from within in , THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD backed up with a photo can strike a deadly blow
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This article also serves to reinforce the point which has been made on here and on many occasions as to how a relatively innocent photograph can so easily be misrepresented.


The photograph of the dead fox carcass (which is clearly dead and had no doubt had been humanely despatched with the guns referred to) is being removed for proper disposal as required by law, yet simply by the addition of the caption “Barbaric: Hunters with dying fox.” portrays events in an entirely different manner. That one word difference, dying as opposed to dead, makes such a difference as to what the general public think they are seeing…. to them it’s a terrier ragging and baiting a live fox, when in actual fact it’s nothing of the sort.


If so called responsible journalists are prepared to go to these lengths to beef up a story, then just imagine what lengths committed antis are prepared to go to in order to further their cause and our downfall. That’s what we’re up against and it should be borne in mind at all times.



J.M.H.O. - Barrie

The camera never lies but can give a false impression
. When the statement the camera never lies was coined There was no computers , no photo shop , no. Such thing as mobile phones , pixels , or antis. , The biggest threat to are way of life is misrepresentation be it by the media or from within in , THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD backed up with a photo can strike a deadly blow


yep like i said on a previous post they can hold people lives and depict the way the scenario ends out like a story but if people werent so narrow minded and see past the end of there nose the media wouldnt get away with selling false stories or twisting half truths but they are and wheres theres scum bag editors there be some idiot to buy it!!!

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