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Hello everyone.


I'm new in this forum and I wanted to introduce myself to all the users.

I live in Northern Spain, in beauiful Zaragoza.

I've been hunting for more than twenty years, and there isn't a single day when I get back home without having learned something new about this sport!

I like almost every type of hunt, but the one I like the most is red legged partridge hunting with a dog (sorry, I don't like partridge driven hunts!). I find it one of the most difficult hunts, specially if the partridges are wild and the terrain is rocky.

Referring to big game, stalking roe deer and Spanish Ibex are the hunts I like the most.

I hunt big game with a wire haired daschund and birds and small quarry with...yes, a Kerry Blue Terrier!!


I hope joining this forum will make me learn about how other hunters view our sport and achieve more knowledge about it.


Thanks for reading this post.

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  • 5 months later...

A belated welcome to the forum Alectoris! :D

I don't know how I missed this if TO and JJM found it too.


It seems like you love the sports as much, if not more than the rest of us being a very active hunter (as we know from your attendance here- hahaha)

The forum is full of great threads, topics and members. You'll enjoy it here and there's always something new to learn and great folk to connect with and let your hair down and laugh with.


I'm sure we can get you a more appropriate flag soon but we do look forward to hearing more from you too.



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Thanks for the welcome.


I'll try and be more active, but my job duties leave me little spare time and internet isn't my first choice! :no:


If anyone has any question about hunting, birdwatching or fishing in Spain, I'll be glad to help (if I know the answer!).


Have a nice summer holiday!!



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