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Last Day.

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It's the last day on the pond for me today. My dog seamed extra bouncy this morning as I was getting the gun out of cabinet. Plenty cartridges ( I will need them lol) in bag and here's my lift so am off. Happy hunting. Atb Mick.

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My mate and myself went yesterday eve for our final outing at the ducks,not a great eve as it turned frostyish with no wind at all.We arrived at the pond we were going to shoot at around 5ish and when walking in to it 4 mallard left the rushes which we managed to drop 2 good drakes and 2 nice retrieves for my lab.We took up position and got well hidden in the high rushes but the ducks,although there were plenty flying about just seemed to be interested in somewhere else.I did manage to bag another mallard and my mate had moved to a flash pond a couple of hundred yds back where he managed 2 teal and a couple of nice handy retrieves for his young lad dog,got too dark then and as we were leaving we could hear mallard splashing down on the pond,another season over.

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Myself and my young lad headed out first thing yesterday morning with no joy.It was the worst morning flight of the season. in the evening we met up with 2 lads that we've been shooting with all season for the last flight of the season. A mate of mine tagged along too. We split up,myself, m mate and my son setting up on a flooded field and the other 2 boys going onto a callows on the opposite side of the road. A pair of mallard got up as we headed in,no shot. We had teal and widgeon flying in over us but were too high. My lad dropped a teal but it kept diving and the springer couldnt get it. The other 2 boys manager to get 9 between them,1 of whick was the biggest drake widgeon I've seen. All in all it was a great season. Bagged way more duck than last year. Still waiting on getting that illusive goose. Highlights have to be my son getting his licence this year and he is a cracking shot to boot. Another has to be training my young lab who after a few mistakes on my behalf,came into her own nearing the end of the season. She'll be a flyer come next September. The only downside was no water until nearly November,then we got too much lol. Only 201 days to go til it all starts again but whos counting?????? ME lol

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