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Pup gets in some mess without working lol, i was using bob martins shampoo for abit but she smells worse with it, recently if shes really dirty after a walk ive just been rinsing her in shower with just warm water.


Wondering what yous use to wash/clean lurchers and how often? Are those wipes any good you see in pets at home?


Any advice/constructive criticism is appreciated :thumbs:



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Frequent shampooing doesn't do a dog's coat any good: much better to do as you have been doing: rinse off in warm water, but be sure the pup is dried off and kept warm afterwards. I take it the pup lives in the house? Kennel dogs can roll around in shredded paper or straw and the mud comes off when it dries naturally.

Forget any wipes or stuff that has man made products in it: too many chemicals in a dog's life already these days: warm water, dry off is best.

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Pup gets in some mess without working lol, i was using bob martins shampoo for abit but she smells worse with it, recently if shes really dirty after a walk ive just been rinsing her in shower with just warm water.


Wondering what yous use to wash/clean lurchers and how often? Are those wipes any good you see in pets at home?


Any advice/constructive criticism is appreciated :thumbs:



river dry towel or in kennel a 27tts dog in the bath is just not possible in this house
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