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Personal Track Safety Medical

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Does anyone know about the pts medical, I've got a chance to start a job on the railways but need to pass my medical and d & a but I've read that the vision requirements are no more than 6/9 in the better eye and 6/12 in the other, my vision is 6/6 in the better eye but 6/24 in the other so I would fail. Would this mean I definitely can't get a pts card or would I still be able to get one with a red triangle ? I don't really know what the red triangle means I only noticed it when reading about the pts card online, as I gather it means you can't work alone, if anyone knows about any of the questions it would be a great help,


Cheers mexlad

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cant help you mate but good luck where you doing the course in Doncaster? Should be lots of work in Sheffield as well with the plans to extend the tram line. I'm booked on to get my streetworks card gto to go to wakefield to do it. :thumbs:

Edited by keepdiggin
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Got my pts not sure on the requirements on the eye test is but I passed it prety easy if you can reed the letters on the board when you av your eyes tested you should pass the course is prety easy as well av got some books somewhere Al dig them out where you at

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I worked on the railway for 37 years, most as a freight train driver, and my medical with regard to vision was the Schnellen chart for distance, reading a series of paragraphs which had progressively smaller typeface, held 14 inches from your face, and the colour blindness booklet. Also had a few other tests like the hearing where you put the headphones on and press the trigger when you hear a noise, urine test for protein (diabetes) etc. I wore corrective glasses for over 25 years, (they actually issued us with prescription safety glasses) and if there was any change in my eyesight at any subsequent medical which put me below standard they would take us off the track and make us visit an optician for a proper eyetest, and wouldn't allow us to resume duties until we had seen the railway doctor for another assessment with the updated glasses. We also had to supply and carry a pair of glasses of the same prescription, at our own expense.

They also do a drug and alcohol screen, at least they did for drivers, should imagine it would be the same for anyone working on or about the track, or with heavy machinery..


Don't know if what I have written is relevant nowadays as I have been retired for over 6 years and it may have changed

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The vision in my eye can't get Better with glasses though that's the problem, I can see it's just writing that's hard to make out when I did my eye test at the opticians it was 6/24 and looking on the net it says no more than 6/12 in the worse eye

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I've always fancied working on the tracks, how much does the pts course cost and will firms take you on without any expirence once you have it?


If you do go for it do the 10 day course, 2 day course isnt much use, you have to have a sponser, a firm that you go through to get the course, the 10 day will cost between 600 to a grand

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Probably a silly question but just wondering. Do you ever have to cross the live rail or is it switched off? Only ask because was told by my old man that the electric can jump and you will stick to it. He may of been wanting to scare me as my pals were at the age where it was cool to do graffiti. Either way it worked I wouldn't ever jump across.


Remember once walking back from going to the shop for my mum. Me my little brother and the kid next door, no older than 14. Little brother shouts to a group of about 10 aload of abuse. Someone run first anyway all 3 of us was off, took a turning to the train station following whoever was infront. Both them two jumped the tracks and I didnt have the bottle lol. The group come running around and before I can say I didnt about anything, I'm on the floor being stamped on lol. Brother said he done it just for a chase :/.

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