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What Would You Do?

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Mikey; Is it still going on, mate? Only, your and Rex's comments suggest ye were going to put away ye birds a bit since .....


I'm just thinking; It appears to be a young bird. I'm wondering if it's become fixated on your aviary? Sort of 'Imprinted', as they call it. Only, if so? I don't know how it's going to survive, spending all its time f**king around getting nothing to eat.


May it not finally recognise it's on a hiding to nothing? Die of stupidity? With your birds locked away; F**k off and find a more natural way to sustain itself?


This is clearly a recurring nuisance for aviary owners. I'd have thought, by now, any of the 'governing bodies' might have come up with a code of practice. Rather than all this veiled threats on the internet shit.


Personally? I'd provide a safe place for my birds. Some screened off, deep corner of cover where they can go. So the hawk can't see them and they don't have to look at it.

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I've had the same and had birds pulled through the wire as well,left my bird room door open one night and payed the price for it as well with 2 birds dead.But the last attack i had went in my favour not the spars :D and all has been quiet since :thumbs: ,

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I was having problems with one a few months back .....might of been a few different ones i dont know but every day they was on the case........for no apparent reason they just seemed to stop i havent seen one since i dont know if they realised it was a waste of time or what.

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