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post-5267-1190483471_thumb.jpgso last week magwitch phoned me and kindly invited me to a days ferreting on his permission, he wanted to try out a couple of young hobs, so I popped over with a young jill and her mum who's a proven worker,

we started at 9-30am and the first warren was under a clump of bushes/tree's, so just run a long net all around, entered all the ferts and waited, we got 6 from this warren and then made our way up the hill to another set of holes half way up, again long netted half and purse netted the rest, only 3 from here, although number 9 got away by jumping the net, best days ferreting for me, pat kindly let me take all the rabbits as he already had a freezer full, and because I was a long net virgin upto this point, also gave me a long net :signthankspin: pat

top man in my book

couple of pics of magwitch setting the net, and the bloody bullocks that kept getting a tad to close

the last pics were taken on my return home, when "smart" the jack russel couldent stop licking her lips, as she gets a head to gnaw on


once again pat :signthankspin:

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its a very easy way to gut the rabbits mate, I used to stand there making a nice straight cut down the belly, sometimes catching the guts on the way down and stinking the place out, magwitch showed us the easy,less messy, no chance of splitting the gut way :signthankspin:

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I should add we only had to dig once, when my jill slipped her collar and appeared without it, again I dont think i would have found it, if it wernt for pat, we dug down to the run only to still be getting a signal from a collat that wernt there, sure enough there was a second run below the first

thought pat was gonna fall in it was so deep :clapper:

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