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Inch High

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It's normal. When you zeroed your rifle, there was lead "fouling" in your barrel, specifically in the grooves of your rifling. Your first shot after cleaning is what's known as a "fouling round", because it "fouls" your barrel again with lead. This restores the barrel to the condition it was in when you zeroed it.


After cleaning, you're shooting the first round out of a squeaky-clean barrel, which will affect the bullet's flight. Normally it comes out at a slightly higher velocity, because there's less drag from the rifling, since there's no lead there (until the first round has passed through). So you'll shoot a little high.


Just take a shot at a target with a safe backstop before you start hunting, after that you should be bang on until the next cleaning.

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I clean my 22LR when chunks of carbon start to be ejected with the empty cartridge cases. :laugh: That's usually after 200-250 dirty 22LR rounds.


Lead, copper and powder residue in the rifling won't do any damage, it's normal. However, after a while, you will get a ring of carbon deposited at the end of the chamber just beyond the end of the cartridge (particularly with 22LR). This can cause cartridges to refuse to eject, or refuse to feed and seat properly, so it's a good idea to clean out the crap there regularly.

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