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A Wet One!!


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Had a trip out to one of the local golf courses to have a look over the rabbits. Over the past years the numbers have been very thin on the ground and it usually takes a couple of visits to keep them in check.

This year the numbers have increased on the course due to a new adjacent housing development, which has forced them to shift on.

I knew it was forecast to rain and it started a slow drizzle as I mounted and zeroed the pulsar.

Got to the course and by this time the rain was driving down which meant I only really had a couple directions to shoot without the lenses getting soaked.

Managed a quick six and called it a do. Couldn't see a thing through the NV.


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Good going moxy .....no wonder your full of cold tho .....he who dares wins .



:laugh: how's the wallowing and discovery channel going!!?

Cheers mate.

Just had a fish finger sarni watching fast n loud! ...think I will survive this time lol





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