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££ Or Not???????

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Seen similar threads in the past, but


Been offered a job, close to home, but at a good bit less ££ than I'm currently on.

Had a few things over the years that I wouldn't have had without the ££, but getting fed up with it all. Worked away from home for 20+ years.


What are your thoughts?

Daughters desperate for me to work at home..................................so we can finally get the dog! :cray:


Good and Bad to both options........it's just the deciding that's hard.... :laugh:


Cheers. :thumbs:

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If it were me i would choose family,missed my 2 daughters first years as always out working you can never get that time back.I have a little boy now and changed jobs so i could spend more time with hi

Guest scramble

Thats a lifestyle choice, more family time or more cash. tough choice to make thats for sure. might help if you include the mrs into the equation.........no point being at home with a dog if you cant get out when you want. :thumbs:

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Thats a lifestyle choice, more family time or more cash. tough choice to make thats for sure. might help if you include the mrs into the equation.........no point being at home with a dog if you cant get out when you want. :thumbs:

Don't go out much anyway :laugh:


She's in as much of a dilemma as I am.

Thinks if I was at home, I'd do her head in!

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Difficult one, firstly is the new job a reliable offer and does it have good long term prospects? I am a firm believer in that there is more to life than money but could you and your family accept the lower income and adjust your lifestyles accordingly. Also remember that as you've worked away for so long if you do accept the new job offer, you will be home an awful lot more and will need to set aside time for yourself or else you'll feel crowded. How old is your daughter, is she old enough to understand the impact of less money on her lifestyle and how does your partner feel about it all.............................but at the end of the day its your life and if you've had enough, you've had enough, accept the job but remember you WILL need your own time, otherwise you might start resenting not having any free time and theres no point being nearer home if the family time is just lots of simmering tension and arguments :thumbs:............good luck and remember this isn't a rehearsal, were on the main stage and the curtains close for an awful long time :yes:

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If it were me i would choose family,missed my 2 daughters first years as always out working you can never get that time back.I have a little boy now and changed jobs so i could spend more time with him take him to school etc best thing i ever did as long as you can pay your bills happiness is priceless IMO :yes:

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Time with family is priceless we're only here once. Unless the job is paying so well that you can retire early and then enjoy making up time with the family IMO.


My mum used to child mind a girl who's parents were really work focused. Durring the summer holidays shell just stay with us. They never done any of the normal things like take their own kid swimming or to the zoo. Around Xmas time once she even said infront of her own mum shed rather stay with us for Xmas. Would make me think abit if my own kid was to say that. Anyway dispite them paying for her to go private school and buying her all the latest clothes probably out of guilt. She's ended up same age as me with no career, two kids and a bloke who's a coke addict.

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When you say closer how many hours more would you have at home ?? Because if its only an hour or so over a week then youd be best where you are but if your talking an hour or so a day at home then I'd take it.


Another thing is you need to think is how reall worse off would you be with the likes of wear and tear on the motor and fuel ect


If your only talking say upto 100 or so then I'm sure if you set your mind to it you'd be able to make that else where,

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Life's to short mate, if you don't enjoy working away then pack it in. You live by your means no matter the wage your on. Iv always lived by "I work to live, not live to work"

Well said cbdogs, same as me , wouldn't change it for the world..

Edited by alimac
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