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Bitch Aint Broken Down.

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My Young bitch is coming on 16 months & has not come into season yet..


Any thoughts on the subject ??



My old dogs have had irregular seasons.. Is it possible she is to fit, to menstruate ??


Never had a late developer most dogs have broken down at 6, 9 or 12 months..


Dogs fit and happy in its self..




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My old bitch has only had 3 seasons in nine years ... I honestly don't think the fitness thing comes into it ... My young bitch couldn't be any fitter and she has had two seasons in 16 months ... It's just the individual ... All dogs are different ........

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Mines the same as yours Giro and my views on it are if she never has a season it will mean less hassle for me and my male terrier :laugh: ,i very much doub't i'll ever breed her as i hate all that puppy lark anyway so makes no odds to me personaly.

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Keeping them very very fit reduces their seasons.

Whilst that may be broadly true it definately isn't the same for all bitches .... As I said this young bitch here is on top of her game fitness wise and no matter what you throw at her or how far you push her she just keeps going and she has had two seasons already ... On the flip side I had a bitch years ago that was a nightmare to get in season she had a serious shoulder injury that kept her off for about 18 months and even though she wasn't fir she still didn't have a proper season ........

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Extreme exercise, especially with low body fat, can have an effect on the hypothalamus’s reducing the output of gonadotropic hormones. These are responsible for stimulating the production of the sex hormones which in turn stimulate estrogen without which there will be later, irregular or even no season. Dogs like humans will vary; some will be affected more easily than others but always a consideration when sporting bitches have late or irregular seasons. Be aware in some cases it is also linked with de mineralisation of bones etc.

Edited by sandymere
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At what stage would one be worried ??



The bitch is carrying good muscle and is stripped right down not much fat on her..


Very fit but not been hammered work wise but certainly looks the part..


Sighthoundy type.


Thanks for replies :thumbs:

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I would be just a little more cautious and say, usually its fine and most will break when they are ready, but it can be a sigh of stress so just watch for any signs of it losing any more weight. Encouraging plenty of grub is never a bad move when working hard

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At what stage would one be worried ??



The bitch is carrying good muscle and is stripped right down not much fat on her..


Very fit but not been hammered work wise but certainly looks the part..


Sighthoundy type.


Thanks for replies :thumbs:

I wouldn't be worried, one of my bitches didn't have a season until she was gone 3 years old.

They are all different.

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