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Cur,saluki & The Machine...

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Certainly getting yourself and the mutts about some cracking country mate, hope the dogs are getting better, great pics :thumbs:


Phil thats nasty :blink:

Cheers mate...i think the Pom and our Deans bitch Fenn are the only injury free mutts we have out of seven haha..they are all chomping at the bit though so hopefully they will get their chances this week :ninja: ..the Saluki and Don are just staying daytime mooching for this season infact the Saluki ain't ever seen a lamp and i don't think he will i have no need really we have others for that job..and Don well i'm just building his confidence up after losing his eye..im sure he'd lamp no bother but again i have no need to rush him back into working the dazzler :victory:


it'll be up to the pom to feed the village then mate ??? :laugh: you'll be lamping her out of necessity :laugh:


I had an accident a few years back and I can only see out one eye so I know how the cur feels lol, I've never been at the other end of the beam but I'm sure he'll be fine mate :D:thumbs:

Edited by KittleRox
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Jeez,looks like a dinosaur haha..trust me he ain't lol            

Had myself a wander out earlier on today with Don,Boots and the Pom..i went on some fells i hadn;t walked before,it was an enjoyable walk apart from getting soaked towards the end of the walk when the

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Bloody hell your crew in the sick bay too Beast? My lad had our cur out for a mooch about yesterday and it came home looking like it had been in a brawl with Freddy Krueger lol...its maybe just my age but im kinda feeling a bit sorry for owld Don at the minute ...he ain't five until March but hes had some knocks etc..broken leg, lost an eye, cuts,tears, bangs you name it..well when the old uns are healing up Beast it will give you some bonding time with the pup buddy..im sure as you say they will be back in the thick of the action pretty soon? ...Forecast excellent lamping weather over the weekend you will be pulling your hair out haha


i'm pulling it already!

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Had a wander out earlier today..as per usual got soaked to the bone :laugh: ..was just one of them days :yes: ..out the car for five minutes and lost Don my cur x :cray: he buggered off hunting at 9.30am and i walked atleast 7 or 8 miles and never clapped eyes on him again :blink: ..i thought that was the end of him to be honest but on returning to the car at 12.35pm old Don was curled up lying beside the car :D soaked but none the worse :thumbs: ..on my way back to the motor i went to the last place i had seen Don and stood,had a brew and gave a few whistles but nothing..as i was having a cup of tea i watched a woman walking her Collie on one of those retractable leads jumping around and yapping etc just being a boisterous shit when all of a sudden i seen a bloody daft Roe heading up through the wood straight towards me ..the Collie must of spooked it :icon_eek: ..both Boots and Fenn were sat at my feet and i prayed they hadn't seen it but alas they were off..it turned and ran not more than 5 yards from the jaws of the Collie on the extended leash :laugh: it was doing cartwheels..then two lurchers wizzed passed its nose end ...the woman turned and ran..i thought the inevitable but after a short while Boots returned and not long after Fenn..i seriously thought this day couldn't of got any worse as at the time i still hadn't found Don...im getting too old for this shit i really am :whistling: ...



















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Cheers lads..aye Breeze ive heard that myself off my father ... im starting to think this is a young mans game mate. .my days of running etc are quickly running out..the nerves of steel required for some forms of hunting have long gone from me lol..bloody dogs eh..I only went on a recce to see if there was anything to occupy the wee terriers come the cold snap later this week..found a few so hopefully the little uns will get their chance shortly ")

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Andy just a wee one I had simmlar situation, one day a young dog I had 3/4 grey 1/4 beardie, he was only 10 months old, we were walking through a Hard wood,

that had been thinned out, all of sudden the young fella took off, it was around 3 in the afternoon, winter time, I am whistling, and so on , No joy, + I had to go and pick my wife up, from her work place, I wander back to the car, pick the wife up, drive home, have the dinner as all is ready on the slow cooker, pitch black,

I said I have to go and try find that dog, which was about 5 miles away from the house, when I get to the place that I parked my car, just inside the wood, was the dog, he was lying on a bank of dry leaves, A called to him to come to me, he come over wagging his big body and tail, ((( and he was a dog that smiled, when he met you, his top lip went up, but then I noticed he had a bad cut above his eye, and another cut along side his cheek, I was delighted to see the fellow again, I thought the worse had happened, but only 10 month old, and he had the sense to come back to the spot were we started from, and just lie there and wait for me, I did find what I was looking for the next day, and again I was delighted at his effort, ((((( and just say your pack is looking good,

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Yep, I too was delighted the dog had the sense to go back to the motor BL I was 25 mile from home so I would of been doing some running about had he not been found today..It's first time in nigh on five years he's ever done that..hope it doesn't start that malarkey im stressed enough haha

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Glad you got him back andy... yeah those bloody roe seem to pop up in the places you dont want them too and those bloody walkers always seem to be there when the dog is on em!! lol.

Had to run last night and f**k me i didnt need it haha... lamping job is getting on top here but its where the game is and bloody reggie doesnt have an off switch.. the dog would work 7 nights a week for me and im sure he gets that from hes dad lol. Dogs are looking well mate and hopefully have a spin before season ends. atb keith

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